"Oh, give me a fucking break," Catherine snapped at Jehumon as he got short with her, the uneasiness gone from her voice as her glare grew nuclear, "You think you could have mentioned this BEFORE spouting off all that other bullshit? If you're going to get high and mighty with me, at least get a goddamn clue first!" If it wasn't patently obvious the girl was pissed off before, it most definitely was now. Jehumon's manner had obviously snapped something in that head of hers- so it was fortunate that Killian took the opportunity to speak practically and try and defuse the situation. Catherine remembered Jehumon mentioning something about Killian getting them out of wherever it was they'd been to begin with; between that and the line he took now, the girl seemed to be willing to trust him. At the very least, as he spoke, the glare that could have melted steel cooled off a bit, and as the two finished talking, the girl just sighed and looked down at the ground. Where she saw a glint of silver. "So, we're Tamers?" She asked, as she reached down to pick up what she realized must have been her... Digivice? "We've got our own annoying little bastards to deal with?"