Orion stopped freaking out when Killian came over and realized his wound. Orion started to process things differently now that he was being bandaged. When Killian was done Orion sat up and looked over at the tower. "So we aren't the only once that were kidnapped were we?" Ones and zeros flashed before his eyes again. "So is anyone else getting flashes of Binary code in front of them." If this was a digital world then maybe something was going on in his head. He didn't think that one could be digitally converted into code. He also never imagined a world inside a computer before would actually exist and that beings called digimon would inhabit it. Orion took hold on the device called a digivice. "So this thing is some kind of tool that links you to Killian and there are others like you? But they are different than you as in different species or genus." Again another flash. Orion shook it off and looked over everyone then back to Killian. "I don't think it would be safe here for very long. If these evil digimon were on Jehu as fast as they were then we probably need to move as soon as everyone is able." Orion stood shakily and went over to the others. "I don't mean to override your current authority Killian or Jehumon but logically speaking we have been here for too long already." Orion sat "I will however take a bowl of food while everyone else gets their bearings. Oh and I do apologize for my rudeness earlier. Logic dictated that none of this was possible and that a talking fighter jet with legs was a figment of my imagination or a possible problem within the hemispheres of the brain from the injure I received. It looks as though that this is actually possible unless we are all in some highly advanced virtual reality type game and something has gone wrong with the programming which has led us to forgetting that we were invited to test it." Orion stopped rambling as he took a bit. The food was good but he hated the circumstances of which he was in as well as the others.