[quote=Sherlock Holmes]-snip- [/quote] Here's the picture I was using as a reference as I was doing the painting. [hider=Mirror Orchid][img=http://www.rowbo.info/images/Mirror%20orchid.jpg][/hider] I tried to do more of a close up view than that of the picture, so I estimated a lot in terms of the size, and placement of the different structures of the flower. The stem was complete guessing, and is definitely the worst looking part of the painting IMO. Though after finishing the painting, I also noticed that I used too much blue for the actual, "mirror", part of the flower. So now that's sort of making me cringe when I look at the painting as well. =T As for Andrew Loomis, I have a small collection of his books on my external hard drive, but wasn't sure where to start. I guess I'll go through, "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth", and post my progress. =] Thanks for the tip on not painting on a white canvas as well. I've been wondering how to make my art seem less washed out.