Listening intently as she took measured gulps from the soup Killian had given her, Arista attempted to put together everything Jehumon was saying. She knew that everything he was saying was true, not because the Digimon was making any sense, but because of the conviction he spoke with. Especially when he had pointed out the spire looming in the distance. She loosened her scarf and a white Digivice fell into her lap. No wonder her scarf had been pulled so tight. Another reminder of how real all this was. If the tower was the only way to get home and Jehumon was right, then everyone would be here for a long time. Amassing some kind of army would take months, and Arista could only think about how she had a couple exams in the coming weeks. There was nothing that could be done about that now, and she knew better than to voice her discontent about it. Arista stood up and patted some imaginary grime off her skirt. She straightened herself and addressed the entire group. "We should get going. I guess we can collect ourselves when we’re on safer ground. I’m Arista, by the way." She’d learn all their names en route to the village.