"[i]Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way![/i]" "[i]Anyone who says the pen is mightier than the sword needs to get a good look at fully automatic weaponry.[/i]" Full Name: Lieutenant Colonel John Harrison Gender: Male (cis scum accusations abound) Age: 41 Branch of Service: FSA Landers Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Military Occupational Specialty: Field officer, tactical force commander [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120408164118/halo/images/thumb/8/89/ImagesCATL0IP5.jpg/180px-ImagesCATL0IP5.webp[/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100228063555/halo/images/c/cb/Sergeant_Forge_on_Harvest.png[/img][/hider] Personality: Harrison is a cigar smoking, gun laundering, man with a lifetime of experience with weaponry and the military. Harrison is a well trained man with an arrogant, yet disciplined attitude, with the constant look of a iron willed man on his face. Wry and taciturn, he's known to be stubborn in his practices, and is considered a mental fortress when it comes to a fight. He will obey orders from his superiors, and usually get what's wanted done, but has a certain dislike for being commanded by other's, which isn't visible. He's also a natural born fighter, who know's exactly what to say to his men, and when, and usually treats his men harshly, but is well known, wherever he's known, for being very fair. He's also quite patient with most things, although he puts up the farce of being uninterested or impatient in technicalities, details, and slowness on the part of his men. Biography: John Harrison is one of commanders of the legion of Lander's that's stationed on the Vigilance, and a highly decorated marine officer, having served in multiple combat situations, both official and technically non-official. He was born into a military family, his parents both having been doctors in the Navy, serving in the out rims of the Empire, and since his mother wasn't able to get maternity leave, since they were quite far away from any kind of properly colonized planet, he was born on the ship, which isn't a [i]first[/i] but it was a rare of an incident. Only a few months later, the ship returned to a proper colonized dock, allowing John to finally have his first glimpses of a planet, and somewhat tellingly enough, his first steps on that planet were in boots. After his birth, his parents retired, having served enough time in their lives to finally settle down and perhaps give a better life to their son, one in which he wouldn't have to join the military in desperation and would be able to achieve fame in science, business, or maybe even politics. Unfortunately for their desires, Harrison was a restless kid, entirely uninterested in academics. When others would dream of discovering new planets and phenomena in science, John dreamed of fighting in the name of his nation, and his home. It didn't help with Call of Duty releasing its games every single year, which sort of distorted his view of the military, but fact was fact, and John got himself involved in the military. He joined the National Cadet Core at the minimum required age, and quickly found that while it wasn't all fun and games, the people he met, and the stories they had to tell were something that inspired him, and gave him the ability to finally set his mind to it. Coming of age at seventeen, he joined the Marines, to the crossness of his parents, and quickly found that it was exactly as the veterans had told him it would be. Going through boot camp, he was quickly suggested for the Officer Candidates School because of his recognized leadership qualities, and because of a certain incident during a live firing exercise. Of course, this suggestion would the reason behind his commissioning as an officer in the future, but it would a while before that occurred. His first deployment was against insurgents in the rim of the nation, where his first combat experiences was. He would later describe the feeling of punching through the enemy ship's hull for the breaching as "exhilarating", and then storming through the ship with the intensity of Stalingrad was a bit of a dampener, but he and his squad moved through the opposition like a nuke into a wooden shack. He came out of his first battle scarred, but also with the determination to fight for the Federation, and a patriotic pride unrivaled. He continuously volunteered for field deployments, and slowly, but surely, he made his way up the ranks, before being commissioned as an officer for superior characteristics of leadership. While many of his deployments were peaceful, he started to realize he was being deployed in different locations quite quickly, and all of them being combat zones of some sort, to which he came to the slightly narcissistic conclusion that perhaps one of his superiors had noticed him and his record, and decided to put him on a more combat oriented deployment schedule. Over the years, he's become less enthusiastic, quite a bit less, but his pride and determination haven't wavered one bit. His combat service record include multiple planetside experiences, and even more ship-based combat. Medals (US names, assume Federation equivalents): Outstanding Volunteer Ribbon Six Purple Heart's Two Silver Star's Navy Marine Distinguished Service Military Medal Multiple Campaign Ribbons and Medals Medal of Honor Nomination