Name: Charlotte Age: 20 Gender: female Appearance: [img=] Skills: Agility/speed Inventory: gas mask, knife, pearl ring from mother Biography: Charlotte has been living and surviving on her own for a long while now. Having lived secluded from most everything her family wasn't in touch and had no idea of what was happening in the outside world. That was until they visited the nearest city. In the panic of the moment Charlotte and her parent's were separated, gunshots rang out and Charlotte ran, using her speed to escape back into wilderness. She survived by staying hidden in the shadows and stealing what she could, never making any contact with anyone. At least that was until the day she met the smugglers. While hiding out she came across some people, the smugglers, she saw them and tried to stay quiet, but her curiosity got the better of her and closer and closer she got, having never seen anyone else in this area before. They saw her, she ran, she was eventually caught and told about the smugglers, thus she became one herself. Other: