A deep breath. Eyes closed. Focus. This is it. The people will love it. This is the hour of change. The hour when everything would be turned around. There had been trying times since… since… since they died, since her parents died and gave her the throne. There had been disturbing reports of monsters, the entire nation had been feeling like it was on the edge of its seat with these repeatedly worrying news. But today… today all that changed. Everything felt so right. There was a piece of doubt still harboring deep within her soul, but determination had already flooded her. She was going to do this, and there was nothing that was going to go wrong! Everything was perfect…! [b]‘Waf! Waf!’[/b] Just by her feet, a tiny, brown and REEEEAAAALLY happy dog was jumping around. He was way over-eager, with the knife which would be used for the summoning bound around his neck for easy access by his mouth. [b]‘Waf! Waf!’[/b] The little thing bounced up at her, and she caught it with a giggle in midair, holding the happy creature in her arms. The dog wasted no time looking around happily with mouth open and tongue hanging. She carried him along while another, darker dog was walking at her right. A lot calmer than the tinier one, this one strode with a sense of purpose and somewhat of a hint of laziness, but still, the knife similarly bound around her neck was there for the summoning as well. These dogs were the tiny Peach and the dark Kiwi, ready to do their duty happily/calmly for their nation. The girl herself was Sfogliatine Zucchero Graelian. She was a young and suitably short girl of fourteen summers with long white hair reaching just beyond her hips. Her expression at the moment was smiling with determination, carrying the tiny brown Peach up the long stairway on the floating island. While a princess, she wasn’t wearing exactly royal-looking clothes, [url=http://oi42.tinypic.com/msgb2c.jpg]but they were certainly distinctive[/url]. Alright. The princess looked up the stairs. Her young eyes looked in awe at the pillars and altar. This entire place… it was just screaming destiny. And the princess knew she would answer. Biting her lip for a bit, praying silently that this wouldn’t miss-match the timing of the battle too badly, she did her job. [b]‘Kiwi! Peach! Go!’[/b] She let the brown little Peach go down on the marble road, where he along with the dark Kiwi dashed up the remaining starts at an impressive speed while Solia whispered her little chant, focusing on what she had learned. Soon enough, the two dogs were far ahead of her and reached the structures… where a flash of green light shone and the two canines disappeared up towards the heavens, Solia watching from a part away. Much of the preparation had been done beforehand, so what was needed was simply to activate it. … OK. Done. The princess breathed out in relief. … Now she merely needed to hope for the best while she ascended the stairs and towards the summoning altar. She had sent the summons for the heroes. She had told Lucrezia to prepare for their arrival, and left command of her forces to Anisette. They and her other followers would be able to lead well enough even without the princess’ input. Th-this would work… right? So, Solia stepped upwards the stairs one step at a time, her tail wagging from the excitement of summoning heroes… The dark and calm Kiwi would be the one to appear before Alam, while the tiny eccentric overly happy and friendly Peach would be the one who appeared before Yui. Both dogs would appear before them at some time when they were on their own (and possibly heading in a direction suitable to them). Kiwi would take maximum advantage of whatever situation occurred before her and place the portal somewhere where Alam was heading for, possibly. Meanwhile, the moment Peach saw Yui he’d jump at her to attempt befriending and general cuddling before putting the knife in the floor/ground to make the portal appear right underneath her if possible. Should they be dodged or otherwise, I’ll take personal control of the dogs and we can have fun figuring out how the two of them gets you.