[b][i]Morningstar[/b][/i] Morninstar's grinding teeth could probably be heard over the comms. Pariah she could handle. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. But Pariah [b]AND[/B] Vigiliance? That was just asking for trouble. She made a silent promise to herself to be the bigger person this time, and not let Vigilance's bullshit bother her. . . Unless he was gonna really be an ass, then she'd knock his teeth out. She took the short time between Binary scrambling the troops, and the troops actually arriving, to place tracer tags on all the hostages. Sure, she was hoping they got them all out safely, but if hopes were fishes then the homeless wouldn't go hungry. Pariah used to always preach 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst.' At least this way if anything went wrong they'd still be able to find them later. The VTOLs touched down and the cavalry poured out, Pariah taking point and directing the recruits with the usual iron command she'd come to expect for him. A wave of conflicting emotions crashed into her at the sight of him, but she bottled them up for now. Deal with the mission first, she told herself. A bug began to buzz around her head, but it turned out to be some bizarre form of communication. Weird, but hardly the weirdest thing that had happened since the Awakening. She was about to comply with her orders when she was barged aside by a smelly, bald, greyish-blue guy she recognised as the zombie who worked for Destiny. "I got the kid, toots." grunted the dead man as he picked up the child with a tenderness Morningstar wouldn't have expected from him. Instead of arguing with the zombie she returned to the hallway, settling herself next to Pariah and un-holstering her Trident and the Sig Sauer P226 and training both pistols down the hallway towards the approaching Legion goons. "I've got charges and flashbangs set all down the hallway. Thought it would be a nice way to get the party started." She said to Pariah, her tone conversational yet strained. If this was because of the situation they were in, or because of the person she was speaking to even she wasn't sure. [i][u]Mr Joe Black[/i][/u] Being unceremoniously shifted into a balding, ugly, fat man wasn't the proudest moment of Joe's second life. Not the worst, sure, but certainly far from the best. The other mages in the workshop began to look around for whatever the commotion was, a few of them catching site of Joe, cracking sly grins. He gave them his best dead eyed glare, slightly offset by the fact he [i]no longer had[/i] a dead eyed glare. Fucking mages. Just as he was formulating a suitably verbose reply to Pru's little prank the high priority alert went off again, Binary this time. Prudence winked at him, telling him to have fun while taking the locket back. While not technically and order, it was close enough to set of the impulse in Joe's head. "Ah, for fuck sake! She asked for non-injured personnel Pru, and I'm fucking dead! How much more injured can you get!" With a scowl he sloped out towards the airfield. The zombie sulked his way through Pariah's briefing, until the picture of Chelsea Wayne was flashed up. Mr Black came to attention at that, his eyes widening a little. A little girl. No more than ten years old, and these scumbags were trying to hurt her. Even Joe wouldn't stoop that low, and if it's something he wouldn't do then you know it's low. A slow anger built in his chest. This time, just this once, he'd work with the League. These Legion punks were gonna get hurt. "Heh he he. Deadly force is my specialty" he chuckled darkly, the same stone-grating-on-stone sound that rasped from the hollow places in his torso he used to intimidate easy marks. The VTOL ride was all too long, Joe chomping at the bit to tear himself of a piece of these dick wads. He followed Pariah and Vigilance out the VTOL and into the building, making a quick sweep of the place to find the girl. He found her just as the Dare Devil looking chick that used to work Pariah entered the room, but Joe shouldered her aside. "I got the kid, toots." He grunted, picking up Chelsea as tenderly as he could managed. He hoped she wouldn't come to as he was carrying her out of there, girl would be scared enough without having to be face to face with a extra from the Evil Dead. As he got out a fly began to buzz around his ear. Nothing new for Joe, he was carrion after all. But this one spoke to him. "Don't give me a reason to swat you then." He stalked out towards the near empty VTOL and handed the over. "Be gentle with her bozo, or I'll redevise my policy on being a vegetarian, just for you." He growled at the EMT on the VTOL.