Although Shirley was a teenager with a great deal of pride, she made no comment on the little she heard about Fuaad's talk about women. She merely scoffed. She did admit however she found it strange that Jake never talked, or barely made any sound at all. He was probably the most discreet person she had ever met. She didn't blame him though, it was probably useful being hard to detect down here. He had been seeming very ... Anxious until now, but it seems Fuaad made him relax a little, so she felt maybe now was the time to ask him why he never talked. She didn't know if she was going to even get an answer or not, but she didn't even have time to answer the question until Jake raised his clenched fist in the air, signalling a stop. She recognized this gesture. She had studied these with Jonathan. Nervously, she looked around until she saw what Jake was looking at. [b]An open service-door.[/b] "... Oh shit." Shirley whispered to herself quietly. She wasn't sure what this meant, but there sure as hell weren't ever any open doors anywhere ... Not by human hands, at least. She had always found it strange why everyone seemed to have this universal rule never to keep a door open, but now she was glad she had always wondered about it. Now she realized what was up, and immediately she regretted ever leaving camp. The fear of the mutants came over her like a tidal wave, and she took an instinctive stumble backwards. Her glance shifted rapidly between Jake and Fuaad, who only seemed to be looking at each other sternly. [i]Oh no...[/i] A growl echoed through the tunnel. An otherworldly, beastlike and horrid growl, like a rusty meatgrinder cringing it's non-fitting gears together. Terrified, Shirley's first instinctial feeling was to run, but her legs would not move. Her body was numb, yet she could feel herself trembling. She couldn't breathe. Pulling her scarf down, she took a deep breath, then whispered, almost like a hiss, to Jake and Fuaad. "It's coming!" A few paralyzed seconds passed. Complete silence. And then... A crashing sound. A shriek, followed by claws sounding like a beast running on all fours. It came from the passage in the opened door. The trio had but a few seconds to act before a beast-like mutant creature would enter the tunnel with them, and by the judging of the beast's hurry, it had either heard or smelled them already. Somewhere in the passage, a black-scaled creature with five eyes ran on all fours. It was only slightly bigger than a grown human, but with a horrendously mutated musclemass. Uneven biceps and triceps made the beast limp as it ran, yet it ran tremendously fast due to it's four canine-like legs. On each leg, 3 claws each so strong the beast practically gripped the concrete itself as it ran, flinging itself forward with every razorsharp thrust. Shirley stood paralyzed in fear. It was up to Jake and Fuaad - they knew they had about 12 seconds before the beast would storm out of the opened door. How will they use their preciously few seconds? (( It's alright if you want to quickpost in response to this post, Phase. ))