The skeletal being turned his attention to the Archivist, for moments nothing was said as the illumination of amethyst energies flared slightly, the creature was observed and recorded, placed in the dark archives, accessible by all Dreamers. [b]“Your people are not unlike the Dreamers, Akarid, you seek knowledge, understanding.”[/b] Bowing his head slightly Skallagrim waved a hand and suddenly an image of a vast, endless dark populated by shimmering balls of light appeared.[b] “What you do with machines we do with dreams, nightmares, memories. Everything that has been or will be and every possible permutation of existence have been observed in our endless slumber.”[/b] [b]“Drink deeply Archivist, use your machines to observe and understand what happens here. One day your race may become like ours.”[/b] Then the image of the vast compilation of memories vanished as Skallagrim peered at the Kitsune, the grinning death’s head nodding approvingly [b]“Welcome Tomaru…or would you prefer Red Shinigami?”[/b] hissed the Walker Between Worlds. [b]“Your kind has always brought the Dreamers pleasure…your lust for life has been savored and dreamt upon for epochs. Welcome to the Great Hall.”[/b]