Here's a WIP because it seems to be the cool thing to do. Obviously not final, who knows what's gonna be new in the OOC and what have you. Anywho, here's the stuff I got now Nations Name: Holy Kovalkan Empire Flag: Golden blade wrapped in oak leaves on a white field Form of Government: Divine Monarchy [hider=Describe the System] The Holy Kovalkan empire is a two headed state: one secular, one spiritual. The royal family of Kovalka is considered holy by the citizens of the Empire as they are the descendents of the sainted founder of their nation, the enigmatic figure known as Koval. Because of this the monarchs and Vicars of the nation are often seen as living saints themselves by many members of the populace. The offices of the church and the government are often one and the same, such as the Knights of Koval who serve as bodyguards both for vicars of the church and members of the government. At the secular head of the empire is a hereditary King whose rule is tempered only by a limited constitution and parliament. The King is the commander and chief of all branches of the military (except the anemic air corps which is the plaything of the crown prince) though historical precedent has placed the navy as the favored branch of service, every king has historically worn the uniform of a high admiral for the duration of his nation’s wars. The King’s right hand man is the Master Senechal, who aids him in the logistical running of the empire and helps to keep the Parliament in line as the King’s representative. Providing spiritual leadership of Kovalka is the Grand Vicar of Koval, a position also held by a member of the royal family. Whereas rule of the nation’s body goes to the eldest son of the previous ruler, the rule over its soul goes to his eldest daughter. The Grand Vicar is always female because Saint Koval is female, one of the few facts that remain about the nation’s mysterious founder. While they are supposed to rule together, the Grand Vicar is technically the final authority in all matters as she is the one who determines whether an action by the government matches the feelings of Koval’s teachings. The current ruler of the Empire is something that has never been seen before in Kovalkan history. Her Divine Majesty, the Queen and Grand Vicar of the Holy Kovalkan Empire, Aleksa IV is an enigma within Kovalkan tradition. As mentioned it is traditionally the eldest son who takes on the crown but the previous King, Rolak I, had only one daughter. Facing internal turmoil as he neared death, he declared that the heir to the throne would be his twenty year old old daughter who was already being groomed for the Vicariate. Undaunted by the potential sacrilege she took the crown and unified both the church and government into a single body: hers. While hardly a tyrant, Aleksa is resolute in her decisions and will go to any lengths to see her nation’s ambitions realized as she sees fit. This has made her despised by parliament who had been making gains in their authority under the lax rule of her father. She in turn despises them back far more openly once going so far as to call the members of parliament a “pack of faithless parasites.” Her policies towards several ethnic minorities within the empire have also earned her a great deal of ire, yet her standing with the average Kovalkan citizen has been outstanding who see her expansion of the military and move towards further colonization as putting the Empire back on the path of greatness. Just entering her middle age, Aleksa has spent much of her early career consolidating her position in the royal court and putting down several rebellion in the colonies. She now sets her sights and those of the Empire outward into the unexplored parts of the world to find great riches. [/hider] Location on Map Desired: Get to this when the map is up, though Ideally I'd like a narrow peninsula with some nearby islands Capital: Koval (located on a river which leads into the ocean if such a thing exists on the map) Important Settlements: The Anvil: an island just off the coast of the Kovalkan mainland, the industrial heart of the Empire as well as home to the Saint Agatha Fleetyards, the Empire's largest naval base. Nicholbury: a city known for being the holiest site for the Church of Koval. It is here that the largest Cathedral in the Empire resides and is the traditional seat of power for the Grand Vicar. Allegedly the Vicar's throne is built directly above the mausoleum of Saint Koval herself. Description: Important Characters: Her Divine Majesty, the Queen and Grand Vicar of the Holy Kovalkan Empire, Aleksa IV Prince Adriatus Ingram, Royal Consort of Her Divine Majesty and father of Crown Princess Vin Crown Princess Vin High Senechal: Baron Elend Highmount High Admiral Gerrik Ragnar Grand Master Raymond Balben Traits: Professional army Small army ambitious generals Kings of the sea New age ships ships of the line Deflated balloons landlubbers(air version if applicable) Strong Industry State Controlled Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.) Navy: GDP: Stability: