Ordinarily Danny would never believe the story he just heard, but the fact that it came from a talking robot caused him to at least consider it. He was still a bit woozy but if there were indeed things looking for them they needed to get moving. "EI'm not sure if I believe or understand Jehu's story, but eI know he coul have hurt us while we were sleep. So eI agree with Teal head." Danny pointed at Fleur. "After all tose Digimon might be able to send a army to our world or worlds, who knows if there is more than one human world, wit tat tower." It was quite a speech for Danny he felt it had to be said,anyway now that it was done, he decided to get some of the stew like the others. As soon as he bent over he felt something in his pocket. He had a good idea what it was, and it indeed turned out to be one of those Digivices like the others had. However at the moment the stew was more interesting to him, so he quickly picked up a bowl and filled it.