Name: Lauren Mc Conkey Age: early 40's Gender: Female Species: Shape shifter Appearance: as a human she is average height, and well-toned with short brown hair and two thin braids - one behind each ear. She can change into two high speed animals [img=] and [img=] Personality: endurance, skittish (nervous if you will), always alert and observant Backpack Contents: Water, dry food for a month, snacks, journal and pen for findings, rope, machetti, first aid kit, another journal she compiled on all she knows about the planet, anti-poison Survival Skills: high stamina for escapes, in horse form makes a good pack animal, and a good scout in springbok form, once long long ago she made it into a camel when running away from a tiger History: She's been dragged all over as a research assistant and now her master sent here because she is sick in bed. Her master usually saddles her up in horse form and they explore like that