Shiro Kuma ~ Kouga Village Danjo shook his head, disappointment in his voice was evident. "Remember, Hache-kun, the mark of a true man is not by the strength of his arm or the length of his beard. The mark of a man is his capacity to love, to forgive and forget." Danjo spoke with authority and reprimand. "You are a good warrior, Hache-kun. Not many have a heart such as yours. The only thing separating us from animals is our capacity to reason, and if you let go of reason, then what's the difference between you and a worm?" Danjo continued as he pounded his cane on the ground. "For your punishment, you shall hunt for us... Your quota must be for at least four families." Danjo ordered as he sighed. Then, he tapped Hache on his shoulder as if comforting him. "You are a good man, Hache-kun, don't let go of that." Suddenly, Hache-kun mentioned of not going into the forest. "What makes you say that, Hache-kun?"