(Wanted: Literate writer for a romantic roleplay between two female characters. I'd prefer 18 plus, as this will touch on aspects such as homophobia and such. If you want to take this to messages, I'm fine with that. Just comment and tell me. I'm also perfectly happy for them to be Girlfriends from the very start of this RP.) Sat in her best friend's bedroom, Lolina (She much preferred Lola) let out a soft sigh. They were to leave for a holiday together that night, and for the first time ever, it'd be just the two of them. At 19 years old, this was her first real taste of freedom, and as glad as she was off this, and indeed, very excited by the aspect, the concept was still very nerve-wrecking indeed. Standing at 5'3", Lola wasn't very tall at all. With her short brown hair, big green eyes hidden behind glasses, her quite small chest and tendency to hide her form from other people, the males at their high-school had often ignored her. Not that that bothered her, she much preferred the company of females anyway. She was open about her sexuality, and had been bullied relentlessly for this by a group of classmates. This resulted in a particularly vicious attack upon her, a knife attack leaving her with scarring on her belly, making her much less likely to reveal her form to anybody at all. The attack had broken the shy female's already tiny confidence, and she'd become much less likely to go out of the house alone. Tears pooling in her eyes as she recalled the incident, the tiny brunette wiped her face, getting up to look out of the window. awaiting her best friend to hurry up her shower. ___ So, I figured the plot would just be a slice of life style thing with them on holiday, growing closer over time, and learning to cope with the views of others, the reaction of family, etc.