Nation Registration: open/CLOSED [b]Procedures[/b] The procedures for this game will be fairly simple. You send orders to MO if you're a European save Germany, or to me if you're a non-European save Japan. The orders will then be rolled and presented by me (or another GM) in an update. Each round of orders will be the span of one year. There will also be war updates, which occur (obviously) during a war, as well as mini-updates which can happen at any time. Orders work as thus: Tier I: Britain, France, Germany, Russia. Tier II: US, Austria, Italy, Japan. Tier III: Spain, Brazil, Netherlands, Sweden Tier IV: Belgium, Bulgaria, Mexio, Ottoman Empire, Serbia. Tier V: Afghanistan, South Africa. Tier I gets two NFs, two normal orders, four war orders, and a treaty order. Tier II gets an NF, three normal orders, four war orders, and a treaty order. Tier III gets an NF, two normal orders, and three war orders. Tier IV gets an NF, a normal order, and two war orders. Tier V gets two normal orders and two war orders. Orders are due every Wednesday at 1PM Amsterdam time, with the update posted on Saturday, unless I say otherwise. Orders are sent to the GM via private message with the title formatted as; 'WiR - Nation Name - Year'. Example (and this is a heavily simplified version): [quote] WiR - Belgium - 1900 Order One (nf): Increase the level of factories. Order Two: Perform naval exercises off the coast. Order Three: Build a railway from Ghent to Antwerp. Order Four: Spread Belgian influence in the Congo further east.[/quote] [b]Join the IRC![/b]: Go to and type /join #RPG_1900 [i]Germany and Russia sitting, mostly alone, in the same channel can only lead to horrible things happening to the world.[/i] -Haresus