[quote=Balthazar] I looked through your sheet and I like it, a lot. Just the day time and night time transformations will be inconvienent so if you would like to change it, perhaps if someone utters a word you can transform into or out of the stuffed toy form. [/quote] Urshums!!^^ Thanks ya! K, I was thinking like the inconvenience was kinda' cool and also limited her power in her night form. But right. Sooooooooo... like I'm thinking these magical words... maybe they can be spelled out over either the girl mask or bunny mask to transform? Like they the transform words can still be said, but as last resort since I thinks that Duplo would like to keep the words secret seeing as if peeps were to yell the words she would be helpless to stop transformations? [quote=Balthazar] Into terms of your Bio, you have to have come into existence somehow? Are you a result of ancient dark magic? Are you stuffed toy been passed down one too many generations until that tragic day the life of that last generation of hand me downs ended? Are you a stuffed toy cursed as punishment by an overly abusive hex of a parent? You don't have to reveal it yet, you can come up with it whenever you like and drop it in my PM, Ada will, being Ada, try to discover your past. She sticks her nose where it doesn't belong.[/quote] xDDD Parts of what you are asking are pretty much my thought processes. Like I'm sure we can build and fit as we go, and I'll be sure to make reveals as we go to to you. BUT!!! I'll just say this for now: part of her is from Emanseria and part of her is from Earth. o.O! [quote=Balthazar] As a companion, you will first travel with Ada until we meet the main character in which case you will have been under my study long enough that I will assign you the task of guarding and helping -main character- in her/his adventures when I am not around. Any spells I will teach you will also be descent from human latin - the ancient language so you many go ahead with that. [/quote] K but like soooooooooooooooooooo... Duplo wants to learn magic to create a spell to send herself back to wherever she came from... but like what kinda' spells can Ada teach her? Duplo does like to play by her own rules but she is very self-disciplined and will be by-the-book when it comes to learning and training. So yush. Thanks ya for yer feedback! ;D Oh! And should I still submit a Main Charrie just in case? Lemme know k^^