The small blond girl in the back had stayed quiet for most of Jehumon and Killian's explanation, if only because she was still taking all of the information in. The last of the drugs still running through her system didn't quite help her cognitive functions either. But as she took a few more spoonfuls of stew, she started to recover more of her faculties. And this was just dandy. The last thing she remembered before waking up here was taking a nap after a day out shopping on her own. Again. And now she was dealing with digital monsters and worlds in the internet. "C’est des conneries!" She hissed under her breath, shaking her head. Setting her bowl of stew down, she pulled out her red Digivice and stared at it for a moment. Looking back up, she turned to Jehu. "Alright, then. So," She waved her Digivice around. "Do these things actually do anything besides mark us being partnered to one of you?" Alice looked around the group. "I'm Alice, by the way." Her gaze stopped at Fleur. "Je suis à l'aise en français."