Hello everyone. I am not new to the site, or RPing, however, I am returning back to RPIng. I left the guild about 7 months ago, after the site had crashed in December. I wasn't happy with the new current site, and also left due to some personal things popping into my life around that time too. I have missed coming here and meeting new people. Hell, I even met my best friend on here (we still talk on a daily basis!!). I am just looking to come back, have some fun with RPing once again. I am currently playing WOW to pass time, and have been itching to RP again while I get bore with WOW in the middle of quests! Also, I am a huge gamer. <3 My favorite game is The Last of Us. Anywho, I am excite to jump back in and meet the old people I use to RP with and also meet some great people! :)