[u][i]Crimson Guardians of the Asylum HQ, The Spire of Othe, Floor 35[/i][/u] Mez hadn't slept. Last night's execution had taken its' toll, as it always did, on his normally stalwart mind. Images of the man's face and, more notably, his twisted smile kept him awake during the early hours. It was nothing new, however. The longer this game went on, the more he found himself struggling to sleep. [i]'Just another thing to add to the nightmares.'[/i] He thought. Sometimes he'd wonder if he truly was doing the right thing but then he'd think of the scores of players who had died unfairly due to someone else's choices. When it came to the executions, those people had already made their choice, they knew it would end that way. His musing was interrupted by a knock at the door to his chambers. [b]"Come in."[/b] He said aloud. A few seconds went by before the door opened and through it walked a Guardsman, the same one that had been posted to guard his door during the night for protection. The idea hadn't been Mez's of course, but that of the other Eleven. They had deemed him a rather big target ever since he had decided to confront the PKers. Mez wasn't crazy about the 24hr protection but he wasn't about to dismiss the concerns of his Councilmen. The guard, Virgil was his name, shuffled forward a few steps before speaking. [i]"My apologies, Lord Mez, but I have been ordered to inform you that there has been a murder on this floor. As recent as last night, taken place inside a tavern not too far from the Spire."[/i] The guard looked at the floor, obviously nervous. This had been the first time the guard had actually spoken to him. [b]"Thank You, Virgil."[/b] He began. [b]"For bringing this to my attention. Have some men sent to the Tavern immediately and begin inquiries into what happened. No one in or out until I get there."[/b] [i]"Soldiers have already been sent to secure the location. They are awaiting your arrival."[/i] Mez was pleased at this. His council had saw fit to act immediately, rather than rely on his go ahead. He stood up from his bed, still dressed from evening prior. A murder this close to the Spire was serious, there hadn't been one for at least a month. Hygiene would have to wait. [b]"Then what are we waiting for? I assume you'll be accompanying me?"[/b] Mez replied. [i]"Well no, Sir. I am to stand guard at your chambers, My Lord."[/i] Another nervous shuffle. [b]"You would guard an empty room? Nonsense. You'll come along with me, I'll need the company. Besides, if you're going to be guarding me whilst I sleep, I'd prefer it if I knew you as a friend than just another subordinate."[/b] Mez had donned a large cloak by now and had affixed his massive, sheathed Greatsword to his back. [i]"Of course, My Lord, if you say so."[/i] Replied the guard, bowing his head. [b]"Which means you can drop the 'My Lord' crap. I'm no more of a player than you are."[/b] [i]"Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir."[/i] [b]"That too."[/b] [i]"As you command."[/i] Mez sighed, [b]"We're gonna have to work on you."[/b] Mez then strode out of the room, followed closely by his bodyguard. [u][i]Tavern, Floor 35[/i][/u] Mez walked into the tavern, which was now teeming with Crimson Guardians. He walked straight toward the bar where two Guardians were questioning the barman. Mez could tell he was growing frustrated. [b]"Barkeep!"[/b] He exclaimed aloud. Players within the tavern turned to look upon him. Every member of the Crimson Guardians saluted in unison, all barring Virgil of course, who was following just a few steps behind him. [b]"Two pints of your finest ale, please."[/b] He then turned to Virgil and asked, [b]"Have you eaten?"[/b] Virgil shook his head. [b]"And maybe something to eat, if you'd be so kind."[/b] The man's face eased slightly as Mez closed in on the bar, recognizing who he was and happy with his appearance in his inn. [b]"And could all Crimson Guardian members please leave the tavern. I will be heading the investigation from here and will only require two of you to stand guard outside. The rest of you are dismissed."[/b] The atmosphere within the building instantly seemed to calm as the Guardians left the inn. They had been far too overzealous with their investigations it seemed. Mez then regarded the other players who had stayed within the tavern for the night and who, up until now, were being unduly questioned by his subordinates. They, also, looked none too happy. [b]"My apologies, Ladies and Gentlemen, for my over-eager guildmates. It has been a while since there was a murder on this floor. Please, sit down, enjoy some of this establishment's fine food and excellent ale, courtesy of the Crimson Guardians. I will try to make this investigation as short and as painless as possible."[/b] With that, Mez placed a bag of coins on the bar and swooped up one of the ale glasses that the barman had just placed out in front of him. [b]"So then,"[/b] He said to the owner, leaning on the bar as he did so and taking a swig of the bitter liquid. [b]"About this murderer..."[/b]