[hider=Sophia Rachel Rates] [b]Is it real?[/b] [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] “Ummm, why do you need to know? Seriously! I am NOT looking to make any frie—fine fine, if YOU insist. It’s Sophia Rachel Rates.” [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] “I'm in my early 20's.” [b][u]Gender/Sex:[/b][/u] “Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. ME? Do you NOT see the boobs on my chest? Did Sophia not give away my sexual orientation?” [b][u]Sexuality[/b][/u]: “Does it matter? Not like I will ever marry anyone. You can’t trust anyone, anymore.” [b][u]Hair Colour:[/b][/u] “Dirty Blonde…” (Very Curly, bouncy, and thick) [b][u]Eye Colour:[/b][/u] “Don’t flatter yourself, green.” [b][u]Height:[/b][/u] “Short… that’s all you need to know.” [b][u]General Appearance:[/b][/u] Sophia’s general appearance isn’t like the rest. Scars covering her body from the horrifying past her father gave her, the bones sticking through her body because she was called from her mother“fat”, and the messy make-up/hair-do due to all the crying from the pain she suffers from on a daily basis. Loose fitting clothing and fair skin. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Sophia may act like a strong, bitchy women, however.. deep down, she is a scared, lonely gal. She has struggles with herself, but she can take a beating (not physical) like a pro. Very smart and but very hard on herself. She does not trust most and has a hard time connecting with other people, or making interpersonal relationships. [b][u]Likes/Dislikes (Name 3 of each):[/b][/u] [i][b]Likes:[/b][/i] 1. Journal Writing 2. Music – mostly ambient music 3. Animals – Comfort, and something she can connect with! 4. Nature – Hiking, natural trails, exploring new areas, learning about the enivorment 5. Children 6. Ocean 7. Owls [i][b]Dislikes:[/b][/i] 1. Interpersonal Relationships (mainly with men) 2. Dishonest people 3. Bullying 4. Verbal Fighting (will avoid this as much as possible. Even shutting down emotionally) 5. Groups 6. Darkness 7. Bats (or anything close looking to them) [b][u]History:[/b][/u] Writing in Progress [img]http://www.incrediblesnaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Fabulous-Feminine-Photography-11.jpg[/img][/hider]