As others spoke up and started introducing themselves, Catherine quickly realized she wasn't the center of attention for Killian and Jehu anymore; oh well, not like she cared. The boy seemed alright even if the little bucket of bolts with him needed to climb down out of his ass and slow down some on the exposition. Who did he think he was, some Japanese Priest? In any case, this would at least give her the chance to think things over without being cross-examined; with everyone else taking over, the girl just sat back down and stared at her Digivice. Either she was dreaming or there was still a ton of dope in her; all logic dictated she should be freaking out right about now. She HAD been freaking out a moment ago, more or less, she admitted to herself. Digital Monsters, towers, it all sounded like a load of crap. Or borderline Lovecraftian nightmare fuel. And yet here she was, turning some Tamagochi-looking thing over in her hands and fiddling around with a bowl of stew to see how much was left in it after dropping it. She just hoped she got her own partner soon. And that he was more normal than Jehumon. She didn't get too long to dwell on her thoughts, however; it quickly occurred to her as the black and blonde-haired girls in the group finally spoke up and introduced themselves that she was one of the few in the group that hadn't introduced herself; perhaps the last, even? She really hadn't been paying that much attention. "Name's Catherine," She said aloud for the others to hear, "And the village sounds better than sitting around here like a bunch of cavemen. Though anything would, really."