Matthew was sitting at one of the tables in the lounge enjoying his coffee rather than swallowing like he had been a moment ago. The main reason for this was that he had remembered he needed to be on campus by eight, but the assembly wasn't until ten. So even though he should probably drop by his new office before the assembly he had more time than he had originally thought. While he was reclined in the semi-comfortable chair sipping coffee another teacher walked in. [i]What was her name again. Amanda? No, D something...Diane? Maybe...She doesn't look like a Diane...She's too good looking to be a Diane.[/i] He silently watched her as she got a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter apparently either deep in thought or just as tired as he was. [i]Yay! Another coffee person. I'm finally among my people.[/i] He thought jokingly to himself. Sipping some more of his coffee he let out a small sigh. [i]I should probably go ahead and get to my office...[/i] After thinking that he tried to remember where his office was. Or what floor it was on. Or if he needed to go left or right out of the break room. [i]Well, dammit. Guess I need to ask Diane for directions. No wait... Amanda? Whatever. Maybe she'll introduce herself.[/i] Sighing he pushed his chair back and stood up. Tossing the foam cup into the trash he walked up to the other teacher. [i]First impressions can never be taken back Matt, make this one good.[/i] He thought to himself as she looked up at him. Man, she was short. "Hey, I'm a new teacher here. Matthew Pierce." He said, holding out his hand for her to shake. --- Just as Aiden had made it up to the guy handing out the fliers a back pack hit him right in the side. "Ack!" He blurted out before he could stop himself. [i]Wow, super manly there Aiden. Way to make a first impression.[/i] "Oops, I am so sorry!" the cute red head he had seen moments before said before she blushed and grabbed her bag pulling it closer to her. "No problem, you just kinda surprised me." He said, while trying not to rub his side. [i]What does she have in that bag? Bricks? Bowling balls?[/i] "You trying to find out how to get to a room too?" He asked smiling as he tried to make up for his super manly first impression.