[i]“You need to calm down and think for a minute ok” he said without bothering if she recognized him “I have her address and all that shit if you are looking for her” he grabbed her shoulder and smiled “best just wait and not force people the piss themselves now.”[/i] "I am calm, I barely even touched him. Its not my fault that junkie is having a bad trip. Its like he inhaled scarecrow's fear gas." Not entirely untrue on her behalf. Although, maybe Lisa should stop reading so many comic books. Eagerly she took everything Reed found out about Lilith, most importantly her address and phone number. Finally she had a thread she could pull on to start untangling this mess. "Did you look into her email? or find anything else? I'm not saying she's the killer, but she smells fishier than Aquaman." In all the fuss Lisa hadn't even noticed Reed's clothes. It was oddly stylish for him. She supposed she didn't know Reed as well as she thought she did. "Ehh... thanks. For helping me. I know I've been kind of selfish, and you didn't have to come all the way up here for me. I really owe you one." Her eyes stayed on the ground as she said so, slightly embarrassed. "I just... really have to find the truth. These guys are saying all kinds of things about Mari that can't be true. The least I can do is clear her name. If you don't want any part of this I understand, you've already done more than enough for me. Here let me get you a drink. I need one too." The two went downstairs and Lisa got Reed some fancy looking drink that other people seemed to be enjoying. She got herself the lightest beer she could find. Lisa never could hold her liquor. With Reed with her she could sit comfortably without guys trying to hit on her. She sipped her beer and looked at her phone, staring at Lilith Adam's phone number. If she called what would she say? And what would stop her from just hanging up? No, it would be better to meet her in person. "I think Lilith is going to come here at some point. All we can do is wait." 3/4 of a bottle later Lisa was starting to feel drunk. She still hadn't fully recovered from all the drinking earlier that day. "She'll show up... I think she'll show up..." Lisa stumbled slightly and dropped her drink. "Oopsies. I- I'll get another one. Wait here, I'll be riiiight back hehe." Lisa slowly and not steadily made her way into the crowd of strange people when she bumped into a creepy looking guy with really bad teeth. "Hey buddy, watch where... where... I'm walking here!"