Anthony was left in a blur as Josh and Jess sprinted towards the parking lot. He stared down at his injured ankle shaking his head ever so slightly. [i]Looks like I'm riding bitch[/i] he thought to himself picking his head up to catch Mike and Sam lagging behind. He quickly caught up to them. While strolling to the parking lot Anthony took the time to examine the group of kids that just ambushed him. Jess, well, we already get that picture. Josh was the runt and seemingly the most charismatic. Sam was the big goofball and Mike gave off a more relaxed refined vibe. Then again, he knew these people for all of 2 minutes and impression is subject to change. “So what movie did you have in mind?” He asked Mike but quickly realized the futility of his comment. “Ahh it doesn't matter. With a group of people it always devolves into comedy anyway” he joked as they approached the car, Josh and Jess coming into sight. “I know I know, Bitch seat for me,” he drawled, less than thrilled about being confined the middle seat. “Let's get this over with.”