At the moment I just am putting up the historical information for this. I will add more soon. I just feel the historical element is important [hider=Voldophate][b]Nation Sheet[/b] [This is where your flag will be] [b][u]Nation's Name[/u][/b] The Voldophate of Alster --- [b][u]Nation's History[/u][/b] The Voldophate of Alster as a nation is not particularly old but the land that it stands upon was the birthplace of a race that has subjugated much of the world. It is the birthplace of both the Shadowed Spawn or Listians, and the Panceanians. The first civilization of this ancient not quite human race rose here nearly 4,000 years ago. It was based upon religion and the theocratic nature of this first civilization lives on in all the varied offspring that it spawned over the millennia. It raised great temples to the gods and spread through the fires of religion and intolerance for those not of the faith. The twin virtues of faith and racial purity were held paramount by the ancient precursors and in those days there was no mixing of the blood. What caused the first collapse is not known. The oldest writings of the Shadowed Spawn or Listians claim that the evil goddess Luriel descended to the world and smote the greatest city of the old empire like a bolt of her hateful light, and other ancient records from the area do speak of a catastrophe around the time of the first mass migration which perhaps lends some credence to the claim. Whatever the cause 3,316 years ago the first empire shattered and devolved into chaos. It is estimated that the population there declined by well over half during this time period. But the chaos and decay was not universal. A substantial portion of the surviving nobility and members of the priesthood, accompanied by their retinues and what could be scraped together embarked on a great exodus southwards. It was these people, who left in the days of the fall itself who would come to be known as the Listians or Shadowed Spawn, who retained the most undiluted and pure version of the Listhenic Faith. The faith was diluted and altered over time as those who were left behind in the exodus who survived the chaos of the fall of the first empire eventually rebuilt and rose again. Things were not as clear this time and various sects fought endless holy wars against each other for centuries. Some sects ressembled the original Listhenic faith more closely and some were true bastardizations. It was during this time that the Panceanians first began to form. A faction that had twisted the original faith such that Avarinne became the primary deity and rather than the dark father they instead had the dark mother. Some of the fractured sects even forsook the faith altogether. This state of fractured chaos with warring factions and small states was to continue until roughly 600 years ago when one of the factions finally gained a decisive upper hand and began to bring all of the others in line. Among the defeated factions were the Panceanians who rather than being assimilated or destroyed fled south in a migration that mirrored that of the Listians so many years before. The victorious sect, the Alsterans were quick to attempt to build for themselves a great empire in the image of their distorted remembrance of the first one. A twisted echo of the old glory rose once more. But it was not the same, corruption ran rampant, in the time since the fall the new versions of the religion had become far more hungry for blood and now there were others who did not look so kindly upon their ambitions. While the Alsteran Voldophate was somewhat successful in the early years it reached a peak soon after the plague finally ended and has been in decline ever since. Now it is a land that claims ancient glory but that can barely muster the forces to preserve itself. It is largely propped up by the Panceanians and the Listians who despite their mutual dislike for what they both see as a perversion (though for different reasons) are unwilling to allow the one other bastion of their culture to fall all the way. --- [b][u]Form of Government[/u][/b] [b][u]Political Status[/u][/b] [b][u]Political Overview[/u][/b] [b][u]Current Political Leader[/u][/b] [b][u]Notable Figures[/u][/b] --- [b][u]Total Population[/u][/b] [b][u]Employed Population[/u][/b] [b][u]Military Population[/u][/b] --- [b][u]The Specie's Information[/u][/b] --- [b][u]Army Overview[/u][/b] [b][u]Navy Overview[/u][/b] [b][u]Air Force Overview[/u][/b] --- [b][u]Nation's Location[/u][/b] [b][u]Nation's Geography[/u][/b] --- [b][u]Economy Overview[/u][/b] [/hider]