Orion had followed through out the forest behind the others. He hadn't spoken much but was rather in awe of the things around him. Things here were created by digital code. He began to think was he made of digital code? Had he been converted into that code or was his body at home while his consciousness transferred into this world. He wanted answers and the only way he would get them was to keep going and maybe somewhere is the world of data there would be somewhere that he could access some information. They had finally arrived at the village that Jehumon had spoken of. It was small with little huts scattered here and there but a bunch of the little bulb like digimon came running out around them. Orion had to admit they were cute but he was more curious of why the camp fire in the middle of the village was blinking. It was weird it seemed to be looking right at him or so he thought. He thought for a second as the little bulbs nuzzled his leg and greeted them all, that fire didn't have eyes and wait where those stitches!? Orion shook his head and took off his glasses cleaning them then putting them back on. Yup it was staring at him. "Excusse me everyone I must observe something." He said this and the small digimon scattered quickly and pounced on the others. Orion walked over to the small camp fire and squatted next to it. "So umm are you a digimon too?" The camp fire didn't respond but it did blink. Orion cocked an eyebrow and remembered what Jehumon had said about the digivice. Orion pulled it out and pressed one of the three buttons that was on the device. It didn't do anything so he pressed another. This time the screen clicked on. "Ah ha!" He exclaimed as he had found the on button. He pressed the last button and the device began to talk. "Demi-Meramon- A small flame digimon. It can choose to burn anyone it touches if it wants or to be as cool as the person needs them to be." The Demi-Meramon eyes became wide as its face for a second and then leap from the wood it had been burning or sitting on and towards Orion. Orion fell back on to his hands and back in surprise as the flames came towards him. Demi-Meramon let out a yelp of happiness and landed on his tamer. "So it looks like you are my tamer! What's your name? How old are you? Why do you where those things? Are you nice? Do you want a marshmallow!?" The little digimon was all over Orion in seconds it moved over every inch of his body and he felt cool not warm or hot but cool. The digivice must have been right then. Orion laughed a little something he rarely did and when he realized he was he stopped and stood up while holding the little digimon in his arms. "Ok OK! Calm down." Orion had gotten the little thing to calm himself down finally but it looked like it had more to say. "So many questions. That is a good thing I guess but those questions will have to wait. The small flame nodded and replied, "Oh by the way call me Torch." Orion smiled "Alright then Torch it is. Seems to fit anyway." Orion turned back to every one. "Well it seems I have found my partner!" He held Torch up in the air a little but apparently he didn't like that so he became hot instantly in Orion's hands. Orion then let out a yelp and almost dropped Torch. The little guy apologized and jumped back into the wood he was burning. "I have to keep the place lit up for now but you are welcome to stay over here." Orion nodded and sat on a stone that was next to his little Torch. He wondered what the other's digimon were going to be like but was satisfied with his though he was a bit playful and hyper for his taste but he liked him non the less.