“So you’re saying, neither you nor anybody else here knows where we are?” Alice asked, letting her arms fall in exasperation. She groaned, looking back to the other people present, “Well, that sucks.” Mentally chiding herself as she realized just how much of an ass she must have seemed, not that she harbored any deep philosophical remorse or anything. So nobody knew where they were, and nobody knew anybody else; and by the looks of things there was quite the diverse gaggle of people around her. Just what had happened? She looked to the man in the suit, eyeing him appraisingly. He didn't seem as though he was about to suddenly go on a murderous rampage and start killing people willy-nilly, which was comforting. Though the fact that he was dressed in an expensive suit threw her off, as did the dress Lily was wearing. It made sense- relatively speaking, considering they were all in a random forest with no food- for her to have the jacket she fell asleep in (in a forest), but the expensive suit? Light summer dress? Alice had no real inkling of what might be “normal”, but even she could tell that most people wouldn't sleep in a suit, or nice clothes in general. Of course, most people wouldn't sleep in a jacket that weighed in excess of ten pounds even without filled pockets, so perhaps she was being the [i]tiniest[/i] bit hypocritical. Faking a cough into the back of her hand as the silence stretched on, she turned back to Lily, putting her left hand up in a halfhearted peace gesture, “Sorry, by the way.” She rasped- coughing for real this time as the mutilated tissue in her throat rebelled like it often did. She doubled over in a hacking, painful cough, bracing against a nearby boulder to steady herself, already raw throat sending out fresh waves of pain. “Sorry about that, too, you wouldn’t believe how many people thought I was a smoker or something.” She choked out as soon as the coughing had subsided, her voice considerably raspier and more painful sounding, wiping a few involuntary tears from her eyes with her arm. “I can talk later if you do so desire, but do any of you know where the hell I could get some water? It’s killing me here.” She asked, glancing around for a convenient river or other reasonably safe water source. One eyebrow rose rapidly as a thought struck her at the last moment, and she turned back around “You were going to ask my name, right? I’m Alice, can’t say whether it’ll be a pleasure to meet you or not, sorry.” She hastily said, coughing slightly as her throat protested the far-in-excess-of-normal amount of talking she was doing.