The bouncing digimon were cute and peculiar, very adorable, as they jumped up and down their leaves flopped with them. It made Fleur laugh. He crouched and patted one of the Tanemon. "Ahaha, Cute! Are zu, my Digzimon?" After asking the green creature it shook its head replying in a child like manner. "No no no sorry! Not me, your digimon is somewhere here, sorry sorry!" The Tanemon nuzzled on Fleurs hand. He wondered where his Digimon partner could be... Two of the others found theirs, where could his be hiding? Suddenly, he could feel a hand, or more accurately, a claw, reach into his pocket. It scared it him. As he turned around to see a vampire-esque, creature. It was juggling his Digivice and several glowing balls. "I seeee, so you're my tamer... Interesting! Kyhehehe! We're gunna have so much fun!" It threw the items up into the air. Unbeknownest to him, they came back down, conking him on the head and exploding, the explosion didn't cause any damage and Fleur caught his Digivice after it bounced off his partners head. It then suddenly began to analyse the digimon. '[b]Dracmon, Rookie Level. A digimon with a strange sense of humor, loves causing pranks and trouble for other digimon.[/b] "Look, don't be fooled" Said Dracmon. "I may seem mean and nasty, but I'm a really fun guy! Watch!" Dracmon scooped up three Tanemon amd began to juggle them. "Kyeheheh! Look! How skilled I am!" The Tanemon began to giggle, but then asked to be put down as Fleur began to laugh. "Ahah! You are zo funnie! Cun... Haha, cun zou zpeak French?" Dracmon nodded to his tamer, placing the Tanemon down he replied with a laugh. "Kyjejeh, we're digimon, creatures of data! Informations our game! So you can bet I can speak the land of FrenchFry! Well, I can understand it... Kyhehehe!" Fleur began to talk with Dracmon, wishing to know more about him, and the digital world.