Anora agreed with her sisters suggestion without hesitation and followed after her. It was only a few moments after getting to a safe place that the repercussion wave of heat blew over her head, but it wasn’t until she heard the all clear from Jacob that she finally allowed herself to survey the outcome. Majority of the mass of dead were out for the count though it seemed that a few had survived. But what had her most concerned was the sight of Ravenia in the very midst of the blast zone. Mother or not stupidity could only go so far before one died because of it. Yes, Tobias had attempted to keep her safe but it was clear that she had been hurt and would have radiation poisoning. First her younger sister Clo had just about given her a heart attack and now the Mother was trying to give her one. Anymore scares like this and she feared that she would not survive the day. [i]Perhaps Mother needs to spend a little while in the timeout chair.[/i] She thought to herself with a quirk of her lips and few over towards the direction her sister went. Seeing Ramera taking out the few stragglers who remained from the blast, Anora joined in and following Jacob’s words, only took out the ones that were behind him. When the last of the stone knives she had equipped herself with was embedded deep in the skull of a corpses, the finalising ‘all clear’ was called out by Jacob who was now only a walking -and glowing- skeleton. It had been awhile since the last time Anora had seen him like this but she felt like it was natural thing even considering that it was regarded by many as unnatural. Her eyes softened, Jacob was the one in Paradise who always gave the biggest sacrifice and yet what he got in return was fear and hatred by the inhabitants. Always being given a hard time. If she really thought about it, she could almost fully empathise with him. Her and her two sisters too. Since her birth she was treated less than human, she was treated as an experiment, by even her own parents. If it wasn’t for her elder sister Ramera, then she would definitely still be in the lab and they wouldn’t have found Clo. Shaking her head from these morbid thoughts, Anora took a final sweep of the area from her place in the sky, just to make sure that they had really won and returned back to the top of the wall. On the way over to it, Jacob called her and her sisters name, wanting one of them to get his coat and gloves. Since Anora was the closest, she gathered the requested lead lined clothing into her arms and then flew down, landing in front of Jacob she gave him a genuine smile even though it was only a small one. She proffered the clothing to him and just when she was about to compliment him on his job well done, The Mother snapped at him. Anora knew that it was probably Ravenia’s pain and exhaustion that caused the words spoken in anger, however it still irked her non the less. Taking out one of her good throwing knives she slashed it over the topside of her hand in plain sight of the three others standing around her “I will bear it without casting blame anywhere else, for I caused its occurrence.” She spoke in her usual yet slightly strange cryptic speech, trying to convey the message that in so choosing to stay in direct range of Jacob’s blast, Ravenia had no reason to snap at Jacob as she just had as if it were somehow his fault. “I’ll return to my duty Mother, Tobias and Jacob, please excuse me.” With a curt nod to the three of them she quickly found herself back atop the wall and resumed her earlier task of keeping watch. She would probably allow herself time for recuperation and then set out on a scouting trip. “This day is much too long Ramera and I fear that there is still much more to come. When Clo returns from her rest I shall scout the Red Waste for other threats.”