Cal, although feeling a lot better now that she wasn't being referred to as Ms. Evans, still looked apprehensive to tell Mr. Brown about the little fight she had gotten in. She really didn't see the point in telling him, as Open Roads seemed more likely to side with Erika because of how long she had been staying there, as well as Cal being the one to initiate violence. Cal leaned forward, snuffing her cigarette out in the ashtray, and then leaned back into her chair with her arms crossed across her chest as if trying to defend herself. On the other end of things, Cal had no reason to hide anything from this guy. He seemed supportive enough, and she didn't have too much more time with before her session was over. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to look Mr. Brown in the eyes. "I'm gonna be totally honest with you Mr. Brown. I don't really like it here." She shifted her weight, feeling awkward. "Like...I's cool and all but I'm like..." Cal stopped herself, trying to get across what she wanted to say. "If my situation was different right now, I wouldn't be here." She seemed to be struggling to find words. "Like...the idea of this place is pretty cool, and the staff is friendly and the food is good...but like..." "When I showed up here I thought it would be some weird magical place where everyone would be like welcoming and stuff." She crossed her arms across her chest, looking back towards the ground. "I've been here for a week and I already know I don't belong here. The other residents either look at me like I'm some sort of monster or a fucking dealer." She stopped herself, looking up with a shocked expression. "Sorry for my cussing." Cal looked pretty flustered and upset, clearly struggling to keep up her tough exterior. "It's just...really fucking stupid. I've had kids come up to me, asking for drugs and when I tell them to leave they flip shit." Yeah Cal was a bit of a mess right now. "That or if I even look at some of them they run off, eyes wide. I haven't done shit to them." She looked like she was trying to control her breathing and emotions. "Then this chick shows up and I was like 'sweet she looks like a chick I could have a chat with.' But no she had to come up and read my personal texts to my friend. Then she has to be the bitch of the week and act like she is some cool shit." Cal had her fists balled up in her lap, her face contorted with rage. "She gets me all riled up using big words I don't understand and talking in that stupid snide tone. I was just so angry." At this point Cal felt like punching something, but was holding back. "Then she says if I punch her I will get kicked out and she would report me to the cops and thrown in jail. I can't get arrested, if I do I'll never get to school or a job or anything." Or worse, her family could lose the house. Cal's voice sounded weak. "It took all of my willpower. But I let her go. I had to."