[b]"Well, you know, things happen,"[/b] she stretched slightly then shrugged, managing to act surprisingly unconcerned by the entire thing. [b]"You're concern is appreciated. And if anyone ever does make me feel uncomfortable I will make sure to talk to one of them."[/b] She tilted her head and her gaze moved over to the man that Ronan was pointing at. Well he certainly looked dedicated to whatever job he had. Watching she guessed. She didn't understand how someone could managed to stand so still. He couldn't be enjoying it, could he? Alianor would certainly not be able to do something like that. Although she really hoped that undergoing initiation didn't mean she had to start helping around the camp. She certainly didn't want to watch the walls, or go hunting again, or any of those things. She would do what was necessary to gain their trust then walk out of here. Hopefully. [b]"Never heard of those monks,"[/b] Alianor frowned, blue eyes narrowing. Well that was delightful. She was glad the whole thing wasn't life-or-death but she didn't likely the idea of being beaten in anything. Nor having to physically fight either. If earlier was anything to go by as to how they fought... No she'd rather stay in one piece. She wasn't looking forward to any of this. At least she had more than one chance if she just failed the first time, which she was unfortunately sure she would. If it had been something intelligence based then she would have been sure she would win. But strength? Certainly not. [b]"The statue? What? You mean him?"[/b] She pointed at Beckham looking slightly confused. Well he guessed that was what Ronan meant. Great. Time to meet another bandit. And if he didn't have much experience with woman... she hated when people were nervous around her because of her gender. That always irritated her. Shooting a glare at Ronan as he left, Alianor muttered something under her breath about stupid men as she slowly headed over to where Beckham was. It took her quite a while to work out how to actually get up onto the wall, which was just annoying really, but eventually she managed to make her way onto the walkway. She was relatively noisy as she approached Beckham as Ronan had said something about not surprising him. She didn't want to be thrown of the wall or attacked by a surprised monk or whatever her was. [b]"Eh, hello? Beckham?"[/b] She frowned, folding her arms and craning her head to look up at. [b]"I'm looking for someone to train me for initiation and Ronan recommended talking to you. Of course, I don't know why I'm taking advice from him but there you go I'm talking to you."[/b] She frowned. It was difficult to think of the words to say to someone who seemed an awful lot like a living statue. She was sure he was a brilliant teacher, and pleasing enough on the eye, but she only hoped he wasn't one of those silent types. Talking was one of her strengths and when someone didn't talk back... well she ran into difficulties.