[b][u]Locations:[/u][/b] [hider=Castello Leone] To be edited [/hider] [hider=Pompom Forest] To be edited [/hider] --- [hider=Objectives] [b]Through the Forest:[/b] The overnight camping trip is in a few days, and the gates aren't being guarded! It's the perfect time to sneak out and see the wonders of Pompom Forest! A lifetime in the village equals a craving for adventure. Since the class made a verbal deal, everyone has to help in breaking out of the town and into the forest in the middle of the night. [b]Speckled Apple:[/b] Of course, not everyone is satisfied with just sneaking into the woods. A dare among the daring prompts some of the more adventurous students to go deeper into the forest to find a mysterious apple tree that is said to grow speckled apples. [/hider]