I will be free Name: Mikey Age: 21 Gender/Sex: Male Sexuality: Just about anything, really. Species (if spliced or alien): The Surgesh, a species best described as amphibious juggernauts and excellent and cold blooded warriors. They come from a swamp planet full of similarly blood thirsty and dangerous creatures. Height: 5ft Tall on all fours, closer to 7 standing upright. Hair Colour: M/A Eye Colour: Black Deformities/odd features: Surgesh come out almost transparent when they hatch as tadpoles, and their coloration depends on their diet before they reached maturity. The food he was fed from the lab was mostly processed, and so he ended up Orange with black spots and a pale underbelly. Most of his race is a muddy green and brown, so his appearance is strange to say the least. General Appearance: [hider= It's Mikey!] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/#/art/Rough-Amphibian-Concept-216911505?hf=1]Artist[/url] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/186/5/5/rough_amphibian_concept_by_azzad_track-d3l55zl.jpg[/img] His color scheme is inspired by this poison dart frog. [img]http://monsterhousehk.com/upfile/proimage/20129221414691681.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Mikey is not exactly smart. He is well meaning and usually does his best to work for the greater good, but he lacks any technical knowledge at all. Despite this flaw, and his horrifying appearance, he is a very loyal and affectionate guy who will often throw himself into the thick of things for his friends. He often elicits fear in people due to the reputation of his species, but he had never seen one of his species before so he never had time to imprint himself on other Surgesh. Often comes off as a bit touchy feeling around friends, and can have a tremendous temper if he is provoked far enough. Overall he can be a joy to hang around, mostly because of blind optimism. History: Mikey was actually hatched as a tadpole in a laboratory collecting DNA samples from various alien races in an attempt to produce the most deadly race of all. The Surgesh were chosen for their exceptional strength, but during his time their he ran across many different creatures, some more dangerous then others. Mikey was a weird case there. He simply wasn't growing up to be aggressive like the researchers wanted. Surgesh were extremely hard to come by, and it appeared that if they weren't raised in the harsh environment of their homeworld and without the pressure of surviving with others of their kind they became docile. This frustrated them to no ends, and after many attempts at getting Mike to fight, even going as far as to pit him against other extremely dangerous creatures, they gave up and sold him to another lab for general experimentation. Abilities: -Impressive physical strength. The Surgesh are juggernauts, and are capable of twisting metal easily with their bare hands and effortlessly leaping several feat in the air. -Aquatic affinity. The Surgesh are naturally talented at swimming, and have very powerful lungs that allow them to hold their breath for up to 30 minutes if required. -Slimy Skin Membrane. Surgesh cover themselves with a water based slime that helps protect them from toxins as well as giving them the ability to attache themselves for walls. Surgesh need to be suitably hydrated in order to keep this film up. -A very long and powerful tongue. Useful for eating small creatures and whatever else such a thing could be useful for. Weaknesses: -Surgesh need to remain hydrated in order to keep themselves healthy. If a Surgesh were to dry out completely then they would be physically weak. - Cold is harmful to Surgesh. They, unlike most amphibians, are warm blooded. But despite this slight advantage he still can't stay out in the cold for too long without risk of immediate death by organ failure. uknown