[quote=TheSovereignGrave] Ah, I see. Either way I would be interested, it seems like a pretty interesting concept and really well thought-out. Though I thought Ottomans started out as vassals of the Sultanate of Rum, and not the Ilkhanate. I do have another question though, would we be restricted to the powers actually doing the colonizing? Or would we be able to play as the natives? I either grossly misread, or I didn't see much mention of Mesoamerica.Also, I'm probably just going to head over to the Thread in the General Interest Check. So you can answer here or there; I'll see it either way. [/quote] Well just to say it here: I will be allowing play of Mesoamerica. But they're so disconnected from the events in Europe I didn't think they mattered to be mentioned in the lore. And the Sultanate of Rum was basically swallowed up by the Illkhanate. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Ilkhanate_in_1256%E2%80%931353.PNG[/img] Or came close enough that with alternate history re-writing the House of Osman would become a vassal of the Khans.