[i]Lougetown: Dock 3[/i] Two marine soldiers stand guard at the dock, where goods are being shipped. “man, i’m bored,” one marine says, leaning against a wall, “why’d we have to be assigned to guard duty.” “Stop whining,” the other says, standing upright, “at least we're not chasing after pirates.” “I’d rather be doing that than this. i joined the Marines to fight pirates not to do guard work.” “you should be careful what you wish for, i hear there’s a couple of pirates running around here.” “Really?” “Yeah, they’re supposed to be pretty strong too. they took out 50 of us with breaking a sweat.” “Seriously!? 50!?” “Yeah, it’s just a rumor though, so i doubt they’re really that strong.” “hehe yeah, i mean they are just pirates.” Suddenly, a near by manhole cover exploded off its top, followed shortly by a kid in a strawhat climbing out. “See, i told that would be faster”