"Diamond. Diamond Larsen. I have been teaching here since I was 22 years old." She said with a laugh. Matthew smiled at that. She had a cute laugh. "What are you here to teach Mr. Pierce?" She asked him after shaking his hand. Rubbing the back of his neck he he let out a small laugh. "I guess you could call it Understanding Psychic Anomalies. Something like that anyway. I think it's an optional class so I probably won't get to many students." [i]At least I hope not.[/i] he thought to himself, [i]It's not like I'm used to this classroom teaching stuff...[/i] "Though from what the headmaster told me I'll mostly just be doing counselling for any of the more troubled students." --- After the cute redhead asked about where to find the information on rooms Aiden spied a small sign across the lobby on a table that said 'SIGN IN' on it. "Well, I may be crazy, but I think that table over there might have our answer." He said point across the lobby and swarms of students. Looking down at the small girl he wondered if she would even be able to make it through that crowd to the table without getting trampled. She already looked kinda pale. "Hey, follow me." He said holding out his hand. "We should be able to through this crowd if we stick together."