[hider=Daniel] [hider2=Appearance (Real Life)][img=http://d75822.medialib.glogster.com/media/c2/c212905e138dbf81e65d60c127d55160de7c8eb7d620590045e92eb2cd95371e/hot-anime.jpg][/hider2] Height: 5' 6" Weight: 128 lbs Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Name: Daniel Day Dalton Age: 14 History: Daniel lived a rather boring life. Doing homework, doing chores, listening to parents nag about how they're always right and he's always wrong, etc. Daniel was bored of his boring life. Naturally, when a copy of DGO was given to him, he was ecstatic. Here was something new, something (hopefully) fun. It was finally time for Daniel to live his own life, and no one was going to stop him. Personality: Usually arrogant, tends to go solo, appreciates help but doesn't feel like he needs any. [hider2=Appearance (Avatar)][img=http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/28371/400x613.jpg?orig=3][/hider2] Avatar Class: Gunner (Armsman spec) Avatar Title: Free Runner Avatar Level (Initial): 4 Avatar Guild: Ebony Strykers [hider2=Avatar Abilities]Desperation (passive): The more Daniel's hp bar goes down, the faster he runs and the higher he jumps. Ex: can have up to about 250% increase if on 5% hp. Double Jump: As the name implies. Air Strike (passive): While in the air, all attacks deal 33% more damage. Secondary Fire: Able to dual wield a primary and secondary weapon in each hand (in this case, a double-barrel shotgun in his right and his pistol in his left), but recoil increases by 45% and accuracy decreases by 20%. Half-Grav: Halves the effect of gravity on Daniel, as well as allowing him to perform a third jump in addition to his double jump while active. Duration: 1 min. Cooldown: 1 min. Perks: Field Medic. Combat Armor.[/hider2] Other: Daniel wields a double-barrel shotgun, which can discharge both shells at once, and an FN Five-Seven pistol. As his name implies, his skills involve speed, from reload speed to plain ol' agility. My fav. color is Blue. Theme: [youtube]EEK_uo3Lpag[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Michelle][hider2=Appearance (Real Life)][img=http://img2.ask.fm/assets2/019/099/534/592/normal/avatar_1396500264420.jpg][/hider2] Height: 5' 3" Weight: 117 lbs Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Ruby-brown Name: Michelle Kine Age: 13 History: Michelle lived with a single widowed mother who worked long hours for both of them to get through each day. As a result, Michelle also works hard to ensure a good life for both of them as well, as well as trying to keep her mother happy. She spends plenty of time dealing with people who act as bullies, as well as helping those who are too weak to help themselves. Her mother was proud that her daughter did so well, but was also worried that one day Michelle would bite off more than she could chew. Fortunately, that never happened. Then, when Michelle turned 13, she received her copy of DGP, and vowed to become a powerful and successful player, so that they no longer had to live like they did. Her mother could barely contain her pride when Michelle rose up in level in almost record time, as well as overthrowing the previous Yellow King. She was small and nimble, giving her an enormous speed and agility advantage. Bullets could not get past her blades, and no one was fast enough to land a hit. Personality: Cheerful and friendly to people she likes, distrustful and suspicious to people she hates. Very determined when she has a goal. Definitely prefers to act casual instead of formal. [hider2=Appearance (Avatar)][img=http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt124/Anju-chan33/Pictures/girlsxswordsx21024ni8.png] Pretend that the robe is yellow, I couldn't find anything better.[/hider2] Avatar Class: Brawler (Beserker spec) Avatar Title: Shooting Star - Yellow King Avatar Level (Initial): 9 Avatar Guild: Tinged Beserkers [hider2=Avatar Abilities]-Piercing Barrage: barrages the opponent with multiple super-fast piercing strikes (around 14-16), each capable of causing the opponent to "bleed out" for 5 seconds, dealing continuous damage. Effect does not stack if multiple hits land. Usable only if wielding a weapon, and not being bare-handed. 1 minute cooldown. -Combo (passive): The more hits she lands, the more damage each hit will create, and the faster she becomes. Damage and speed will increase by 5% with each hit. No known limit to how many times this can stack. -Cross Slash: Strikes the enemy in an "X" form, then reverses the slashes, performing a total of four hits. Capable of ignoring damage reduction skills and perks. Each hit causes 150% more damage than normal strikes. Usable only if dual wielding melee weapons. 30 second cooldown. Can be cancelled after performing the initial "X" slash, resulting in only half the cooldown. -Prediction (passive): Creates a visible path that an attack, melee or ranged, is taking. Said prediction path is created as soon as the attack begins. Visible only to Michelle. -Perception (passive): Creates red outlines around traps and other similar obstacles (pools of tar, etc), which can be seen through objects. -Tornado: Michelle will spin around in place very quickly, sucking in objects, npc's, and players alike. Objects will be deflected, while npc's and players will suffer damage while within close proximity to the "tornado". Last for 10 seconds, has a 5-minute cooldown. -Combo (passive): The more hits she lands, the more damage each hit will create, and the faster she becomes. Damage and speed will increase by 5% with each hit. No known limit to how many times this can stack. -Shukuchi: Able to move ridiculously quickly, but only in a straight line. Can be turned on or off. -Holy Strike: Creates a giant bright [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zanbat%C5%8D]Zanbato[/url] in the air above Michelle that launches itself at a target. Deals a ridiculously enormous amount of damage, and the blade will home in on the target until it either strikes said target or gets lodged into an obstacle too large to be freed from, usually the ground, a think wall, etc. Any npc's or players the blade comes into contact with that is not its intended target will only take damage 250% higher than normal strikes. The blade dissipates once its task is complete. Ignores damage reduction skills and perks. 12 hour cooldown. Perks: -Pain Infliction. -Bloodlust. -Gyro Strike. -Boomerang. -War Horse.[/hider2] Other: Michelle dual wields 2 short swords. My favorite color is Red. Theme: [youtube]RVdOQ1wJxnE[/youtube][/hider]