[center][b]Name:[/b] Leon Servius [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://images.forwallpaper.com/files/images/d/d2a0/d2a0ac5a/1079432/anime-guy.jpg]"With these blades I will fix all the wrongs in this world. With these blades, I will find atonement."[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Leon Servius is a man that follows his own path. He does not believe in any religion or other set of beliefs. He decides his own fate, and follows his own beat. On the surface Leon is an incredibly friendly and easygoing individual. He is more then eager to lend a helping hand to those and need, and will often go out of his way to do so. Some would call him naive, and some would call him kind. He is a sucker for the damsel in distress, and believes it is his duty to protect those weaker then him. Despite his apparent naïveté, he is absolutely remorseless in killing other humans if given probable cause. He believes that the evil should be bought to justice. He is very good at getting along with others, and has friends in every city across the land. Leon is driven to wander across Ahlunda helping others, and, of course, slaying dragons. Despite Leon's exterior personality it is easy to see he carries a lot of guilt with him. He feels responsible for the death of his family, and does his best to find atonement. Above all, Leon will never back down if he has to defend his friends or lived ones, determined to never feel the pain of loss again/ [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Leon was born and raised in a small coastal village in a land bordering Ahlunda. His father was formerly one of the most respected generals of Ahlunda's army, disgraced and banished for Ahlunda after a serious tactical miscalculation led to the death of an entire troop of men under him. His mother was a wise and experienced healer. He had a pair of brothers, and was the middle sibling. Their father was always tough on them, forcing them to become strong so they could join the army. Despite the way he left the army, he was still a patriotic Ahlundaian. It didn't take long for their father to notice that Leon was different from his brothers. Leon was faster, stronger, and more durable then them. It was obvious to his father that Leon was one of those born with abilities beyond men. His father became convinced that Leon would be his redemption. Through Leon's strength, his father would regain the respect he once held, and have his position returned to him. Leon's father forced him to spend hours upon hours training. Leon grew to despise his father and his family, and wished awful things upon them. On the eve of his 17th birthday, he fled his home, and went to wander across the lands. Initially through his travels Leon was not the protector of the innocent he is now. Leon fled to a lawless land, and lived lawlessly. He cared little for the plight of the needy, and only lived for his own survival. He stole from others, even those that needed everything they had to survive. He used his natural skills for evil. However, it didn't take long for Leon's talent to be noticed by others. It was on a dark and rainy night in a country to the north of his homeland that he was taken against his will by a group of those like him. They were a band of mercenaries, who killed and pillaged for profit. He was unwillingly forced to take part in their business, and spent almost a year in their tow. By the time he managed to escape, he had killed many, and changed greatly. After he left, he decided it was time to return to the town he was born in and make amends with his family. When he made his way back to the village of his birth he was shocked and appalled to find it in ruins. He picked his way across the wreckage of the village to find his home, and there he found his family, dead. He spent the following few hours wandering, crying out to nothing and asking forgiveness for wishing this upon his family. He soon passed out along a quite forest trail, from shock and exhaustion. When he awoke he found himself in an unfamiliar bed. A young girl found him and took him to her family, who sheltered him. The family cared for Leon and treated him as their own. He decided to himself that to repay their kindness and atone for his families death he would help others. He left the family, thanking them and promising to return, and went to wonder across the land his father wanted to respect him: Ahlunda. Leon has spent the following years living up to his promise, helping others, honing his skills, and learning how to make friends with others. He's grown a small reputation in certain areas of Ahlunda as a strong and reliable person that is willing to help others. He does not ask for payment, but takes it when offered, only so he can sustain himself. When he heard of the trouble in the Great Iron Mountains, he naturally was drawn to it. [b]Abilities:[/b] Leon has an incredibly unique fighting style compared to many of his kind. Although most opt to take advantage of their natural strength and speed to do amazing feats in heavy armor, Leon instead wears simple leather armor and a green cloak. Due to his light load, natural abilities, and years of training, he is able to move amazingly fast, easily able to be missed with the blink of an eye. He supplements his speed with an acrobatic and energetic combat style, outlasting and overwhelming his enemies if they are able to survive the initial blow, quite the feat considering Leon's speed. In battle Leon uses his two swords to become a whirling spiral of death, taking out scores of human enemies, and making short work of most dragons. [b]Equipment:[/b] Leon's armor is very simple, opting to wear leather armor covered by a green cloak. He wields a pair of steel swords, family heirlooms passed down to him by his father.[/center]