[b] Marks Family Mansion. [/b] Rain. Rain and rain. He liked the rain, despite it's dreary and depressing connotations it also brought life. These were the thoughts of Richard Marks as he stared out his window, stared out into the dark, dreary, damp landscape outside. He turned from the window, his hand drifting towards his mustache. Yes he still had preparations to make, very important preparations. His dark, intelligent eyes found the command seals branded upon the back of his hand, so many preparations to make if he was to win the Holy Grail. A few hours later and his work nearly complete. All that was left was to place the catalyst and begin the incantation. A giant pentagram drawn in blood defaced the cold stone floor of the cellar he now occupied. No windows, no light save from the sole torch on the wall. Richard didn't even know if it was still raining, but in the end he supposed it mattered very little. He took the wooden box sitting on a nearby table, slowly opening the gilded wood to reveal it's contents. A rusted, ruined piece of cloth and metal that is said to be the hilt of one of the many swords of the great Japanese hero who died standing. The mighty warrior who defeated 999 samurai in single combat. This ancient, rusted piece of metal, was said to be the hilt of the sword of Benkei. And it would be the ticket to summoning one of the most powerful servants in the Holy Grail War. And so he placed the hilt in the exact center of the pentagram. He stood before the sigil, right hand extended and felt....Pride? At what he was about to achieve or what he had already achieved he was not certain. But surely with the summoning of this Saber, the Holy Grail would most certainly be his. And so his deep, booming voice began the incantation, the long ancient rite that would summon and bind this heroic spirit to him. [center][b] "Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of pacts to the foundation. Let the descending winds become a wall. Let the gates in four directions close, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked road leading to the kingdom rotate. Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Five perfections for each repetition. And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead! —Set. Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate (doom) rest in thy blade. If thou submittest to the call of the Holy Grail and if thou wilt obey this will and reason, then answer my summoning! —I make my oath here. I am the person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven. I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades. Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words, come past thy restraining rings, O keeper of the balance—!”[/center][/b] Richard could feel his prana being expended as the circle glowed brighter and brighter at his incantation. He could feel the raw power emanating from the light and he smiled, he smiled like a kid opening his first gifts on Christmas morning. Surely this would be the servant that would win him the Grail. And in his excitement, as the light was reaching it's brightest he couldn't help but call out. "Arise, Saber! Arise and fight with me for the Holy Grail!" And he laughed, a deep booming sound that permeated the air until the light turned dark. The laughter immediately ceased as Richard tried to determine what was going wrong. The power he felt before was only a mere fraction compared to what he felt now but this was different, this was sinister. Finally the dark light exploded and his creation could be seen. Richard could only stare in awe before finally uttering. "What......What are you?"