The second one is still a WIP; I just have to do the history when I wake up tomorrow is all. [hider=Fiona][b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Standing at five-ten, Fiona bears a mostly-unremarkable appearance. She keeps her hair simple, is seldom seen not wearing the school's uniform, has an unremarkable complexion...indeed, there's little to be said worth saying about Fiona's appearance. However, there is one thing that deviates greatly from the norm. That is, the abscence of her left arm. To avoid it getting caught on anything, Fiona cut off the left sleeve of her uniform shortly after receiving it, since she wouldn't need the sleeve anyway. [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Weight:[/b] ~105 pounds [b]Hair Color:[/b] Red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Green [b]Name:[/b] Fiona O'Connor [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]History:[/b] Fiona is the birth result of four generations of pure-blooded military breeding. Her great-great-grandfather and every child in the family was in the military and quite successful, leading right on down to Fiona, the younger of two sisters. As per O'Connor family traditions, she was expected from birth to become a soldier, and was given the classic military family upbringing. For a time, at least. Whilst being driven by her father to Purple Crown at the age of thirteen, the vehicle Fiona was in was hit hard by a drunk driver. Everybody involved survived, and aside from Fiona, nobody was seriously injured. However, Fiona had to lose her left arm to get out of the car. Naturally, it was a shock to her father, General Brian O'Connor. His daughter had just lost an arm, and not only that, but it also meant she was no longer applicable for military action, destroying the long-running record of an all-military family. Even so, like so many O'Connors before her, her avatar turned out to be a Gunner. And so, for the three years since starting at Purple Crown, Fiona has fired away. However, since she's considerably kinder than the rest of her family, she's been far less inclined to kill off other players for experience. As a result, her level isn't as high as it could have been by now. [b]Personality:[/b] Fiona is a cold and calculating girl in command of a harsh soldier-esque attitude, with absolutely no concern for others as long as she can meet the harsh standards of her family. At least, that's her exterior act. While she still tries to live up to some of her family's expectations, Fiona is in reality a bit of a tomboy with a heart of pure gold. No matter how cold she acts on the outside, she refuses to wrong another, and is easily one of the kindest people one will meet, even if her exterior demands she only do her good deeds behind the scenes. As a result, she's a very lackluster enemy in-game. She also has a fondness for sports. Most notably, she loves baseball a lot, to the point that she could go on about it for days on end if the topic doesn't change. It's what she considers one of two foils to her uncaring exterior. The other is a complete contradiction to the tomboy she is, in that despite her generally boyish attitude, Fiona is a huge sucker for girly things no matter how much she says otherwise. She's also a bit of a gaming nerd, primarily enjoying RPGs and dating sims, even if she can't play most of the former so well anymore. And of course, she also enjoys DGO. Not just because her avatar has two arms, either. [b]Appearance (Avatar):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Gunner (Commando Spec) [b]Avatar Title:[/b] War Dog [b]Avatar Level (Initial):[/b] 3 [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] Ebon Strykers [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Ariel][b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] ~160lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Eye Color:[/b] Red [b]Name:[/b] Ariel Wolf [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]History:[/b] Ariel comes from the festering heart of a sprawling urban slum. Her mother is a vicious crimelord from overseas, and her father is a completely harmless scientist. Some say her mother's viciousness scared away the majority of her father's DNA. Thankfully, Ariel didn't come out as a genetic psuedo-clone of mom, otherwise she's be way worse news than she currently is. Growing up, people came to fear Ariel the instant they found out who her mother was. It also led to some people wanting to fight her and win to prove that fear and intimidation didn't work on everybody. Luckily(?), Ariel inherited her mother's natural knack for inflicting as much pain in a fight as humanly possible as quickly as possible, so fights never lasted long before the other guy quit. Even if it wasn't her intent, she began to grow a reputation not only as her mother's daughter, but as a brutal fighter. Other than this, though, there's not much to say. Her mother fought her way up to become leader of the Scarlet Harleys when she was at Purple Crown, and Ariel herself inevitably followed in her mother's footsteps, even if she didn't plan to. As the reigning Red King, one could say Ariel's becoming more and more like her mother every day...which is most certainly [i]not[/i] a good thing. [b]Personality:[/b] Ariel's personality is best described with one word. Multiple. At this time, she's been recorded to have five different personalities, each one different from the others, and all of them having a common need to succeed. Now if only they could give each other some warning before tagging out. 1: The first and dominant personality, Ariel herself, is a headstrong girl who fights when talking gets boring. However, whatever she thinks or believes, she'll be faithful to 'till the bitter end. If you're her enemy, she'll never stop hating and fighting you. However, any friend of hers will have a loyal and unwavering ally who will always do her best to help pick up the pieces when her friend breaks. She may be a major-league hothead, but she's a good kid. 2: Every case of multiple personality is stereotyped to have an evil one in there somewhere, but sometimes it actually [i]does[/i] happen. In Ariel's case, her evil counterpart is named Eliza Kurozawa. She may be every bit as headstrong as Ariel, but nothing pleases Eliza more than seeing others squirm and scream. She'll purposely go out of her way to make somebody miserable if she's bored, and sees friends as nothing but loyal allies who she can backstab or dispose of whenever it suits her. Resistance only gets her more riled up though, which only makes her more eager to oppress and harm everybody around her. 3: Luckily, Alex White has a very unisex name. Good thing too, since he's pretty certain he's a boy. An uncommonly docile member of Team Ariel at first glance, Alex is a pacifist, an altruist, and a bit of a scheming perv. Every now and then he'll feel that he should take a peek in the girl's locker room, and when girls are involved, he's got an entire playbook of ways to pick up a date. He'll also always help a girl in need...but rest assured he'll ask them to repay the favor down the line. 4: If we can summarize Tina Jones in one word, it's childish. Aside from being under the impression that she's five and acting as such, Tina exhibits all the signs of someone her age. She can pretty selfish at times, and is kind of a crybaby, but she's at least mature enough to not need supervision [i]all[/i] the time. Rest assured, the first thing she does whenever she's the one who switches in is find somebody who looks trustworthy...then stay with them until somebody else tags in. 5: If there's such a thing as an anti-Ariel, it's Wendy Alexander. Completely lacking in confidence and very insecure, Wendy is a reclusive type who gets skittish around others. People who approach her and call her by a different name tend to scare her off, and she always blames herself when something happens around her. However, if you manage to talk to her long enough, you'll learn she [i]does[/i] try to be brave and powerful like Ariel, but feels incapable of doing so. Self-pity is her undoing. [b]Appearance (Avatar):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Brawler (Berserker Spec) [b]Avatar Title:[/b] Blind Wolf - Red King [b]Avatar Level (Initial):[/b] 9 [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] Scarlet Harleys [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [hider2=Perks][i]Pain Resistance:[/i] Reduce all damage taken by 10% [i]Titan's Grip:[/i] Enables you to dual-wield two-handed weapons. [i]The Zaraki Method:[/i] Increases your damage output in proportion to your remaining health (99% HP remaining is a 1% bonus, 75% HP is a 25% bonus, etc.) up to a maximum of 90% additional damage (10% HP remaining). [i]Atlas Fist:[/i] Unarmed skill in which the user unleashes a punch of incomparable power. Deals heavy damage and ignores defense ratings. 60-second cooldown. [i]Cadet:[/i] Enables you to use a gun (two-handed guns only). [i]Herculean:[/i] You now possess the physical strength to smash through most - if not all - obstacles in your way.[/hider2] [hider2=Techniques][i]Daranibo's Wings:[/i] Blind Wolf doesn't actually grow wings to use this technique. She just moves [i]really[/i] fast for five seconds. [i]Shutendoji's Might:[/i] The human body limits itself to 10% of its power. For this attack, Blind Wolf casts away those limits and, for one swing with each sword, utilizes 100% of her power.[/hider2] [b]Other:[/b] [i]Theme: Brand X Music - Decimate[/i] [youtube]wBjHPqMz0q0[/youtube][/hider]