[i][center]"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men charging into battle."[/center][/i] [center][youtube]xDXOrQFN4UM[/youtube][/center] Precipitous outlying mountains, blanketed with an assortment of foliage, have provided the citizens of a mysterious, and ancient kingdom, cover from the unknown world. Generations have been spaced in such a way, that most families bear only one son or daughter, birthed in line with the other citizens, to restrict growth, yet provide worthy apprentices to take after their parents crafts. Almost all have outlived the third, and eldest generation, who followed the same tradition, leaving teachings entirely up to the parents. The kingdoms history is shrouded in secrecy, the colossal stone walls, guard towers, and other defensive structures, are cloaked with a magical barricade, of which the few remaining elders knew the true origin. Four bridges span across the deep, fog veiled moat, each heavily fortified, every seemingly unaged detail, expertly crafted. Guards manned not only the gates leading out, but the few ballistas and cannons lining the wall, and although they saw little action, few were allowed to leave the safety of fort Hethien, simply because the occasional scout or hunting party would return with a missing member, even though they oftentimes returned completely unharmed. Things stayed this way for some time, until the peaceful way of life, was brutally disrupted. It first began, when the elders were wrought with disturbing visions of war, and a dark storm looming on the horizon. It was then parents took heed to these warnings, they begun building up defenses, and started better training their youth to defend themselves. When the magic barriers had suddenly dissipated, the elders had long since passed away. The frightened adults hastily took out in parties, facing newfound threats, seeking answers, they left their adolescent youth to fend for themselves. They assumed it was for the best, so it is unknown whether they will return, or even if they will survive. The enemy is growing stronger, the generation of apprentices must buckle up, as they were left to fend for themselves, the large group of broken and leaderless youth, must do something their foolish parents did not have to do. They must figure out why the essence of magic had burnt out, all the while defending their home, and scavenging for food, without the protection of magic, and with little guidance, aside from the mostly untranslated contents of an ancient library, and the knowledge taught to them beforehand. Will they be torn to shreds by their inexperience, insecurity, and the terrifying beasts and savages alike, lurking just beyond their sheltered home, or will they rise to the challenge. Fate has brought decimation upon their people, and the generations before sealed it. Let us save humanity, together. [center] ______________________________________________________________________[/center] Hopefully I catch some interest, if so, I am looking for literate, mature RPers, and a co-gm to help me flesh out lore and structure this a little bit better, then to help me introduce events, and push the story along. (PM me if your interested.) Although I feel as if the introduction explains most everything I have envisioned for some time now, if you have any questions, and or want to express your general interest, please post below, thanks!.