[center][b][u]SHAY[/u][/b][/center] Shay glanced back to Sun as they were nearing her house. She knew Sun would know which house was hers but she called over to Sun to direct him on where to land. "Sun, could set us down in my backyard?" Shay had a 2 bedroom house. She used to have an older woman as her roommate and helped take care of her, but due to old age she had passed about 6 months ago. Mother had not yet assigned her another roommate so she was enjoying having the house to herself. Many people house together to ensure proper spacing. They weren't overcrowded but there was not quite enough room for everyone to have their own home. Since Shay was a warrior of the city she only ever had to have 1 roommate and had a house that provided a nice grassy backyard. In her backyard she had equipped a training gym for herself and anyone who fancied to come over to train with her. Shay built the set up herself using leftover building materials and some metal pieces that Marcus had kindly sculpted for her to make just the right parts she needed. It was an obstacle course of pulleys and ropes and tactics that could test her agility, speed, accuracy, stamina, and hand/eye coordination. She used simple pulley systems to use with a rope and handle for body bearing exercises to sculpt all of the muscles on her body. She worked hard every day in this gym; it was not only her passion but her escape from having to think about the nothingness that expanded past Paradise Land. If she thought too much on this she would get small panic attacks from the anxiety brought on by the claustrophobia. Outside of Paradise Land for many miles was the Red Waste. Beyond that she knew there wasn't much else but many people willing to act like animals just to survive. Shay looked to Marcus. "Look at that masterpiece" she grinned proudly. "It wouldn't have come together so beautifully without your help on those intricate metal pieces. Thanks again" she said, smiling. She was working on sketching out a new training facility for Mother at the Main Training Facility. That was something she could work on without having to move much. She needed something to keep herself occupied. She was always on the go, training or helping others be trained. Having to slow down to heal was not something Shay was looking forward to. In her backyard to the side of her workout facility was a large sparring mat. She requested Sun to set them down there. [center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/w9gqjm.jpg[/IMG] [b]Idea of what Shay's backyard training set up looks like.[/b][/center] [center][b][u]KAIDEN[/u][/b][/center] Kaiden was patient as he waited for Cypher to turn to him. He would always be patient for Cypher. Always eager for his approval and to help him as best he could, Kaiden made sure to offer his help whenever possible. He was not physically very strong and only stood at 5"8 but was very lithe and quick; his endurance provided him the stamina needed to help Cypher and the triplets. Adie had taught him hard work through her own example and Kaiden followed her strong lead. When Cypher finally addressed Kaiden he straightened slightly. Kaiden smiled more when Cypher laughed as he loved seeing him in this lighthearted mood. But when Cypher asked if he had found a date for tonight his eyes widened slightly, his smile faltering. As he continued talking Kaiden's broad smile dropped to a small one, a forced smile. Adie knew her son was attracted to men and he led no secret life. In this time, choices like his were more normal than ever before yet Kaiden hadn't yet divulged this information to Cypher. He feared telling him would lead to the understanding of how he felt towards Cypher, as more than a friend and leader. He had a crush on him, more than a crush he felt, but was too afraid of rejection to say anything about it. More importantly he feared ruining their current relationship. He viewed Cypher as not only a handsome man he would love to hold close to but as a close friend that he looked up to and enjoyed being around. The risk of losing his close friendship was too great to reveal his desire. So he set it aside patiently. If it never came through then so be it. He was not eager to find anyone else at this time. It was disheartening though, hearing him speak so passionately about wanting him to find a woman. "Oh yeah, I guess I better find a girl fast then" he chuckled awkwardly, going along with Cypher's idea. He raised his arm behind his neck, scratching his skin slightly. Akasha snapped at his hand. Kaiden held a cry back and quickly pulled his arm back around in front. While there was little Akasha could do she would not let Kaiden be less of a man than he was. Kaiden looked to Akasha. No words were needed. "OK sir, thanks" Kaiden responded, at the last of Cyphers words. It would be a nice evening then to be able to relax, enjoying his mother's cooking, and listen to the chaotic din that would continue to flood the camp site, a sound that was comforting and felt like family, like home. The only thing missing was a place to permanently stay, a place like Paradise Land. Kaiden and Cypher both looked in unison at the arrival of Eliza and Geoffrey. Kaiden exhaled deeply, glad of their interjection. He didn't want to talk more with Cypher about relationship status' and was grateful for the interruption. His eyebrows raised as he saw who had walked up them: the girl from the crowd and the boy with him, both unimpressed by Cypher's life changing speech. He was still curious why they did not care, or chose to show such disinterest. He even thought he saw disapproval in Geoffrey. Kaiden's eyes moved to him, narrowing down, his smile gone. Kaiden met Eliza's warm smile with a blank and warry look. She didn't seem like trouble at all, in fact the complete opposite of the feeling he got from her brother next to her. As Cypher spoke of the incident that occurred earlier with Geoffrey, Kaiden looked back to him, instantly making up his mind that he disliked this young man. He sounded like a hot head full of trouble. He knew Cypher would handle any situation quickly and abruptly but he would do his best to help and weed out those that threatened to cause disrupt in their camp. [i]Keep an eye on this one.[/i] Kaiden told Akasha, his eyes not leaving Geo. Akasha gave a sharp chirp, flapping her long wings and blowing a gust of air towards Eliza and Geo before settling back down, perched still on Kaiden's forearm.