I'm here and I"m reserving this spot for great justice. [hider=Donny Lee Yang the Arms Slave] [b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [img=http://www.animewallpaper.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/kohta-hirano1-270x480.jpg] (Dramatized of course) [b]Height[/b]: Five feet five inches [b]Weight[/b]: 200lb [b]Hair Color[/b]: Black [b]Eye Color[/b]: Brown [b]Name[/b]: Donny Lee Yang [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]History[/b]: Donny's got the same life everyone else had, more or less. Just a kid growing up in a middle-high class family, had big dreams. Also had some confidence issues. Growing up Donny liked to eat, and he eats well. This made him fat, and brought it's own share of troubles you usually get for being fat. His parents, trying to work on his confidence, had him take up martial arts when he was young. And he has been taking it ever since. However, despite his dedication to his class, he never really lost any weight. But he did become stronger, but with that strength came corruption. Everyday he had to resist the urge to unleash his fury on his bullies and other ignorant people, including his own family members. They had wanted him to be confident in himself, and he had become to realize that no one was on his side. One way or another, everyone was his enemy, but his only means to fight back meant hurting them physically. He knew that this was wrong, but there was very little ways he knew how to handle them. He did not take up martial arts for some petty notion as defending the weak or even himself. He took it to have power, and to be able to force others into subjugation. But he never tried. He continued to take the suffering in silence, constantly fighting the temptation to simply stop being so peaceful and just bring harm to everyone around him. He ignored trouble the best he could but even light wounds turn into scars when left untreated. Soon Donny began to grow jaded and cynical, seeing the world as nothing but one chain of pain after another. And he wanted to escape, find some way to vent and change things. And so he picked up Deep Ground Online. There he was able to put his many years into martial arts into good use; he didn't have to wait to be hurt. Though out the years Donny, as the mysterious brawler known as Arms Slave, attacked all and any he would claim as "Outlaws"; players who would intentionally attack and ambush weaker level ones outside of a fair duel. Despite never rising above his rank, Arms Slave did all he could to impede and make life a living hell for the griefer, surprisingly never accumulating a kill nor dying. Donny stayed a low rank in order to trick others into thinking that he would be weak or predictable, before trapping them to be taken out by the very prey the griefers hunted. Like others he started young at 13 years old. However despite five years of experience, he never bothered to level up. He has a almost unheard of score of 0/0, no kills, no deaths. If the game kept tracked of it however, he would have assist scores in the upper thousands. Instead of leveling up he focused on creating a network within the game outside of main guilds, gathering resources and supplies. But once he hit his eighteen birthday, Donny began to grind levels. He launched a great offensive against Outlaws, quickly racking up the kills to reach level 3. He wanted to go out in a bang, and now that the Black King has called out to the players, this was his chance to show the world what he's been doing these past years. [b]Personality[/b]: In real life, Donny is an extreme doormat. He would smile, speak politely, and generally just be the nicest person he can be. Sometimes he might even be funny. It's an act that he plays well, because he does not want anyone to know how much he wants to kill people. Generally it's not something that people approve of, but he's always planning, always thinking, and always ready to just have any excuse to let loose and take someone's life. Until than he plays the part of the pudgy fat asian kid who seems to play video games a lot. On line Donny is a mix up between a White Knight and a Griefer. On one hand he helps Shepard lower level players into surviving higher level ambushes, but some would say that he became the very monster he sought to fight against, constantly harassing other players he thinks are Outlaws, going so far as to ruin their lives both in and out of Deep World Online. And it's not out of a sense of duty or honor, or even malice; he just enjoys trolling them, just as they do others. [b]Appearance (Avatar)[/b]:[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/k53ZhYr.jpg[/IMG] [b]Avatar Class[/b]: Brawler Tank [b]Avatar Title[/b]: Arms Slave [b]Avatar Level (Initial)[/b]: 3 [b]Avatar Abilities[/b]: [list]Multi-Melee - Thanks to Arms Slave additional set of arms, he can use up to two two-handed weapons, four one-handed weapons, or two one-handed and a single two-hander at once, increasing damage output and DPS. Chain Catch - When Arms Slave can use the chains on it's body to pull itself to a target. If the target is light enough, Arms Slave could pull the target to him instead. Surviving Suffering - An active buff. For a short time Arms Slave increases it's defensive resistance and increase his overall agility while taking a penalty to damage output.[/list] [b]Other[/b]: Arms Slave is part of an unofficial organization known as "Sweepers". Unofficial in that there is no define leaders or even members, and is more like illegal service. Arms Slave can contact certain players about people he declares as "Outlaws", and they would assist in helping him find and take down the player character. If an Outlaw continues to become a problem, Donny himself may be contacted to preform what amounts to a real-life hit. So far he has yet to actually do any harm aside from corrupting player's computers or setting up false evidence to get them arrested, but he waits for his chance to actually bloody his hands for once. Arms Slave has been stockpiling various weapons and items over the years, powerful tools in the right hands. While he can't use all of them due to class restrictions, he has an armory that rivals most hoarders and treasure hunters. All kept on the down low of course; the reason he was able to accumulate so much was because he made sure no one knew about it. He also owns a "truck" (More like an APC) within Deep Ground which he uses to transport himself and others across the Faded City. Highly armored, fast, and can traverse almost any terrain, but lacks it's own weapons. Likes the color Green.[/hider] [hider=Restu Goroshi the Dark Wraith] [b]Appearance (Real Life):[/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/R0mQ1zr.gif[/IMG] [b]Height:[/b] Five feet ten inches [b]Weight:[/b] 134lbs [b]Hair Color:[/b] Red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Red [b]Name:[/b] Restu Goroshi [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]History:[/b] Restu is one of the many daughters of a yakuza lord, and the seventh child out of twenty total. While treated with respect by most of the underlings, within the immediate family she is ignored at best. A literal red-headed stepchild, Restu had no future in trying to advance within the ranks of her family, and was likely just going to be traded off as a mistress for one of her father's friends. Not wanting that future, made her plans to escape as early as ten years old. She did well in school, better than her brothers and sisters, and made sure that she was looked highly upon by various universities. She picked up Deep World early to begin her plan; to create her own criminal empire. Using her father's connections and the family's resources, Restu gained access to an illegal code through Deep World that simply allows her to monitor the movements of various characters, regardless of who they were. Once the program was created, she spread it to other highly skilled programmers and hackers, to ensure that it was always ready to be up to date should Deep Ground try to patch it out, as well as to ensure that it continued to exist even should Restu be caught using it. Using this code most of it's users called "Cherry Hunter", Restu became part of the underground organization called the "Sweepers". She became one of the many informants who would monitor and give orders to other players to hunt down outlaws. Of course, not everyone she had them attack were outlaws; in order to ensure that she rose into ranks without setting off too many alarms, she used her position to take out any rivals and competition, or making her own leveling up easier. It was telling that after she implemented the program, she was able to smoothly go from level 1 to 3 in the span of two months, and will continue to accelerate until she finally turns 19. [b]Personality: [/b] Restu is friendly enough, if you don't mind her snark and arrogance. She's not really one to tolerate someone else haughty attitude and can be quite petty. She doesn't make threats, and if she says she will do something she will, and if she can't, she'll do the next best thing. A determined and strong-willed girl, but also one who knows that weakness will be exploited, and it would be better for her to exploit weaknesses first before being exploited herself. Nothing is sacred to her; only what is most efficient. [b]Appearance (Avatar): [/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/61dSfmJ.jpg[/IMG] [b]Avatar Class:[/b] Necromancer [b]Avatar Title:[/b] Dark Wraith [b]Avatar Level (Initial)[/b]: 3 [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] Ebon Strykers [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [list]The Dark Hand - Dark Wraith's hands becomes engulfed with a bright light, but don't let it's illumination fool you, it means to harm. Dark Wraith can drain the life from opponents into herself at a certain distance, and the effects are much stronger the closer she is to the target. She can use The Dark Hand to create a blackhole-like shield that can be used to block and deflect magic attacks, but does not affect physical attacks. She can use the Dark Hand to heal her Dead Thralls by given them her health. Miasma - Dark Wraith can create a large toxic cloud that obscures vision and causes anyone within the cloud to suffer from damage over time and lowered physical and magical defense. The Miasma can move like a gas on it's own or stay put at Dark Wraith's discretion. She is unaffected by the effects of the Miasma. Dead Thrall - Dark Wrath channels her energy into a corpse of her choice and allows it to become her minion. It retains all the ability of it's former life but will fight on her behalf. She can reanimate up to two thralls at any given time, killing the least recent one should she try to control another. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Joined the Black King in order to solidify her standing in Deep Ground. Has a physical notebook containing the names and addresses of every player she's ever met or even seen, and often knows and refers to them by their real name. Has connections to various underground contacts including those involved with interfering with the system of Deep Ground. Most of them are administrators.[/hider]