Lisa seemed excited when the information was given to her. She rattled off some questions to Reed but didn't stop to wait for a response. His eyebrow raised slightly as she looked at him and then cast her eyes downward. Once again not waiting for a response from Reed, Lisa offered to grab him a drink after a small thank you. Reed nodded and walked down with her, a smile spreading across his lips. He suddenly remembered why he liked Lisa. She reminded him of his old partner. As they walked down to the party proper and sat together drinking, an act on Lisa's part no doubt to stop people hitting on her, Reed's mind slipped back into past as they spoke. His body reacting on autopilot, Reed thought back on his past, his hand rubbing at the jagged scar tissue that laced his neck. [I] "Stay the fuck down!" The man screamed at the lanky figure that lay on the floor in front of him. The man that was standing was large, big around as he was tall, and had the particular violence of a man that held no more knowledge in his mind then what his aggression told him to do. The man on the floor however, was different. The shirtless figure showed not the build of a weightlifter, but something more akin to a snake. All lithe, muscles coiled with threatening energy ready to spring forth. That is when to say, it would look like that if he were standing. The crowd cheered for the larger man, cheering for their money winner. No one ever bet against the big guy. Not in a place like this. The smaller figure struggled to his feet, his hand going up to wipe the mouth that trickled blood. The figured laughed. A gentle and sinister noise. The big man growled in response and ran at the smaller man. The laughing stopped and he moved quickly out of the way, his hands gripping on the wildly swinging arm of the larger man. With precision, the smaller figured leapt up and wrapped his legs around the man's arm. The weight caused the larger figure to fall and the smaller man laughed once more. A few groans of pain and a loud pop sounded through the crowded smoke filled room. The smaller figure stood up as the large man nursed his now dislocated arm. The small figure laughed again, bright green eyes now showing as he pushed the hair out of his face. The laughter slowed as his hand went to the darkened ring of scar tissue that wrapped the figures neck. [/I] Reed shook his head out of revelry of his past, a dark place he didn't really want to return to and saw that Lisa had left. His bright eyes searched the room and he saw her collide with someone. He then saw that she was about to have a collision course with the woman she wanted to see. Reed knew that would end badly with lightweight Lisa already tanked. Reed stood up and walked over to Lilith, placing a hand on her shoulder and putting his lips close to her ear "you are the suspect of a pissed off the victim's friend" he said softly as his grip on her shoulder tightened "I suggest you get some alcohol and follow me up stairs so I can sort this out before I have to start playing dirty here...we clear? " his voice was low and menacing "good" he said not waiting for an answer before walking back up stairs.