[hider=Jynxs] Full Name: Experiment 666 Alias/Assassin name: Jynxs Alighari [url=http://jynxs131312.deviantart.com/art/Image-477070546] Jynxs Pictures via Devian Art [/url] Age: 22 (as far as he knows...) personality: unpredictable, animal like, general "Creeper", has the "I dont give a flying fu**" tone Skills: Full knowledge of human anatomy, access to vast amounts of wealth, speaks parceltounge (language of snakes), intimidation Weapons: powers, knives and lightweight swords, fist, pets (specifically his pet basilisk) Powers: Able to control psi (a skill thought that basically everybody possess but needs to practice. most of his powers come from here. Ei: the eye power mentioned below, transforming, and his most common way of entering a room: rising from the floor as if he had been there all along) may control various forms of elements though he specializes with mud, his saliva makes whoever he bites incapable of dying for short periods of time (max 8 minutes), making eye contact may cause insufferable nightmares that can bring drastic harm to the body , basic telepathy (not to be confused for telekinetics) background: Jynxs dosnt remember much of himself. All he remembers is waking up one day in front of a giant test tube, with a creepy bearded man stating "experiment 666 rise. I am your father and you shall obey my orders. Your new alias is Jynxs Alighari. You shall go forth and perfect the human race and similar races. Failure to comply will result in you being unplugged and replaced. Report upstairs to your older clones for combat training." What he dosn't know is that before that, he had been floating in a test tube for well over a century. His "father" had found the original "Jynxs" at the site of a meteor crash. Upon realizing that the boy had powers, he decided to keep an clone him. Expermiment 666 was made of mud due to the lack of human flesh after 665 other experiments. Mud was simpl convenient. Experiment 666 comes from the "one of many" background, and shares memories with many of his clones. His clones taught him the use of psi, and how to control his various body parts. He essentially had to relearn how to do everything. His training took the first 18 years of his life, traveling about the globe to fullfill missions, and train with his "siblings." Each one taught him one specialty, and sent him to the next instructor. First he started with hand to hand combat, than curses, and eventually psi cotrol. Experiment 666 created the "Terror Arts" whilst trying to commit scuicide with psi, since traditional methods seemed futile. After being pulled from his test tube, he was trained to kill, so that he may perfect the human race by ridding it of its imperfections (humans without potential as viewed by his father). After several years of doing that, experiment 666 grew bored of the frailty of humans and began training new disciples in hopes of training somebody who was strong enough to pose a challenge to him, and maybe even if he is lucky, end his miserable life. Along his journeys, he saw a school for the gifted and applied for work. He said with a bored expression on his face, "Come Nyagna, let us find ourselves a greater challenge, or our next meal." Then he knocked on the front doors here. Allies: Pet basilisk "Nyagna," he seems to be obsessively loyal to his students Family: "Father" who found him, and his dear basilisk. He also seems to be allied to "the other him" who he can frequently be found talking to in his down time. Other: Jynxs has an obsession with snakes, is made of mud, speaks to imaginary alter ego's, and seems to like staring his next potential victim down with his cold glowing purple eyes. He has a suitcase that dosnt open, and a keychain with only one key which dosnt seem to fit any keyhole the human mind has ever imagined. He also has a small pool of knowledge including a "multiverse" which he franticly beleives is real and frequently refferes to. He has his own manor which students (of age) are often invited to for studies. He invented his own combat style called "terror arts" that he teaches. Terror arts is a cursed magic which ravages the body of its user... How far will you go for power? This unsatisfiable soul dosnt seem to sleep much, and nobody ever really sees him eating. [/hider] Wholy Crap devian art made that harder than it had to. I posted a link to my devian art page. Pictures of this character say so in the description, though you should open on a face shot. Im not the greatest artist, but they are all hand drawn. -whew- glad thats over with ---------- Edited to add specific and vital information that may not have been clearl above, or wa simply missing. [hider=physicalities] [b]Lifting strength[/b] His physical strength scales directly with his mass, though very poorly. At 90lbs he can lift 50. This ratio is accurate up until he weighs several megatons (after taking the mass of a volcanoe) in which he is capped at being able to lift only a few hundred tons. At that point, the earth beneath him, and the mud he is composed of give way. [b]Speed[/b]Jynxs is actually pretty slow, but has little reason to move much in the first place, considering he can dismantle even powerfull targets from a standstill. None the less, his speed cap is roughly 20 mph, at full sprint. His acception is when flying. Do to the size of his wings, and how little he weighs, he can fly at nearly 80mph. [b]Height/ Weight[/b] Changes depending on how much mass he has taken in. All fights start at 5'5 weighing 90lbs. He can grow no smaller, though his shape may change to make it seem so. He can grow up to the size of a large hill/small mountain. Any larger and he would sink into the earth. [/hider] [hider=defences] Jynxs, being made of mud, is nearly totally imune to the transferre if kintetic energy (physical force from punches, bullets, or other moving masses) since his body pretty much seperates around the scource and pulls back together. His saliva will effect him a well, though not as long as if he were to bite somebody else. The effect last only 30 seconds if he bites himself. Being made of mud, breaking bones is paifull, but not crippling. After breaking a bone he can still use it as if it werent broken, but rather bruised. As jynxs' mass increases so does his pain resistance, though generally his accuracy decreases. Jynxs does not feel when his clones die, but rather regains their energy that they havent spent. When low on energy, Jynxs can pull it (rather slowly) from nearby objects. Due the nature of the mud he is made of, Jynxs does not need to breath, nor does he need blood. His lungs and heart are useless to him, and are simply waisted space. His nervous system is still suseptible to damadge. [/hider] [hider=weaknesses] Since Jynxs' attacks are often quite powerful an require little charge time, they often draw on "Terror Psi" which is harmfull to the body of its wielder. In other words, he hurts himself as he uses more powerfull moves. Kinetic energy may not effect him, but static, thermal, and etc will. More powerfull attacks may cripple jynxs for several turns afterwards, leaving him extremely vulnerable. High strength magic attacks may hinder the stability of his mud making him vulnerable to melee attacks, as well as slowing Jynxs down. As jynxs unleashes stronger attacks he goes into a sort of frenzy, that may seem intimidating, but does not give him any true benefits. Jynxs operates largely on playing with the senses, somebody who lacks certain senses may be completely immune to certain attacks, whilst Jynxs still suffers the withdrawls of the attacks. Though Jynxs may transform his body, it is slow, painfull, and his body will have to obey the ordinary laws for what he transforms into. Thiugh lacking most organs, Jynxs's eyes prove to be a powerfull weak point. They are not made of mud, but rather solidified energy (hence the glow) and a successfull attack on them may find jynxs unable to control psi for a short while, hence crippling his offensive. Destroying an eye, though it would take great force, would surely be lethal. Other ways to kill Jynxs include: completely destroying him, hitting him with enough non-kinetic energy that his body simply succombs, reversing his own attacks at him (yes its possible.) [/hider] [hider=Terror arts, in more detail] Terror arts is an advanced form of psi that at its very basis is a trade of health for powerfull attacks, buffs (increasing power) and debuffs (successfull hits may weaken the foe somehow). The moves gain power as Pain requirements are met. Normally, the wielder must be in some form of pain to use terror arts at all. Certain moves may change this condition. [b][u]Example Moves[/u][/b] some but not al of the terror art attacks one may see jynxs use- (i will try my best to avoid using any that arent here, but sometimes you forget. If I remember one move in combat i will add it, but not use it that fight.) [b]Terror Gaze[/b] requires eye contact for success, must maintane eye contact for at least one post. Harms the eyes of the caster afterwards dependant on charge. The more time taken to charge, the less harm comes to the eyes. Castin immediately wil result in blindness. A 3 turn charge will cause the eyes to bleed. Charging further is pointless, since the eye will always sustain that minimal damadge- Causes an incredible hallucination, that seems real. During which, any harm that comes t you during the illusion your brain will think is real. After, though one may not physically be bleeding out, they will feel like it. [b]Terror Sphere[/b] mutliple uses. - (a) melee based weapon carrying 0 mass, but high amounts of orbiting energy. Will tear through traditional armours, and cause massive damadge to living cells. (B) used as an aoe trap. The trap isolates 2 people in one on one conbat and wont release either until only one stands. The caster gains a buff, allowing them to use the pain of anybody trapped within the sohere to power further terror techniques. Terror techniques cast within the sphere have lessened negative side effects on the caster. [b]Teror Claw [/b] Breaks the hand of the user slowly. - a melee attack capable of passing through physical substances accept for lungs, or the heart. This makes it neigh unblockable, though since its a point blank melee attack it can be moderately easily avoided. Can be modified to attack a soul instead; ripping it from the body or slashing it finely. Modifying it to attavk a soul will completely crush the casters hand, rendering it neigh useless. The effect of attacking a soul (if the target has one) is the same as attacking somebody in the same place regularly, but without leaving a wound. Soul attacks take more time to heal. [b]Golden claw[/b] breaks the entire arm of the caster - A terror claw attack with a teleport prior. After which the caster isnextremely winded and MUST restfor at least a turn [b]Terror Coat[/b] slowly corrodes the skin and clothes of the caster - a coat of magical armour that wont stop much, but burns anything it touches. Magic attacks that make contact with the coat are absorbed and converted into energy at the cost of pain to the caster. Cannot teleport whilst under terror coat [b]Crystal Mirror[/b] Turns a reflective surface into a usable hiding space. If it breaks, the user person within is harmed massively, unless multiple crystal mirrors are set up, in which case they may teleport to the next one. Acts as physical barrier when somebody is inside, and each mirror may only host one individual. [b]Iron Maiden[/b] a trap meant to cause pain to whomever is within, whilst protecting them from most serious harm. One conjurs a trap, in jynxs case, its usually from the earth or condensed mist. The trap must close upon an opponent. It consist of 2 individual sides, with spikes on the inside. The sides are controlled freely, and aim to slam together around a target. If successfull the spikes will impale the target nonlethaly, and forces the face of the victim within to face "eyeholes" with protective glass plates. Though opening your eyes during this time is optional. [b]Death Mud[/b] for each turn he spends charging, he can make the mud that composes his flesh "sticky" in the scense that physical contact with it will result with being stuck to his body, and in range of his deadly transformations. This combined with mass manipulations make it not just dangerous, but stupid to assault jynxs with your bare fist. [/hider] [hider=other moves] [b]Summoning Magic[/b] May summon one of the following creatures, and up to 2 at a time. -Basilisk Nyagna (a special snake) -Centaur Brutus (made of stone entirely) -swarm of "Mytes" (small insects bred to resist magic and devour flesh -Giant Flacon Myrates -Fang the Dragon [b]Conjur weapon[/b] can only conjure a weapon of which he has with him. This simply saves the trouble of heathing and unsheathing a weapon. Conjured weapons may only apear in Jynxs's hands, ad can not be conjured within a target. [b]AOE effect[/b] naturally, the immediate area around Jynxs feels cold. It also pulls in a thick fog for miles about. [b]Transformation [/b] Transforms into a "Terror Beast" which suffers no negative penalties from terror arts, as wel as boasting highly enhanced physical capabilities. Transforming back is normally fatal, however it instead leaves Jynxs exhausted. Transformation takes 3 turns to charge, in which time one cannot move, and must focus energy on their "Psi point." This spot for jynxs is the back of his left shoulder blade. Hitting this point whilst a transformation is being attempted prevents the transformation completely. After a successfull transformation, the caster has no energy whatsoever, but due to the beast's natural abilities, they can gain full energy over 5 turns. (This is a passive advantage.) unfortunately, conscentfating this much energy into a physical body is dangerous. The user MUST vent. If no attacks land after 5 turns they are forced from the transformation, back to their normal selves, with a stream of energy (that the opponent can collect) streaming from their psi point. This forces the caster to stay offensive, or pay the consequences. [b]Curses [/b] Jynxs may perform various curses ranging from powerfull ruinic curses that act often as traps, to summoning clouds of acid, or controlling small shadows for a short time. Curses require casting time of at least 1 turn, and more the less pose as nuisances to opponents. [b]Assassin's edge [/b] A move that utilizes his knowledge of anatomy. A series of physical strikes (3total) aimed to cripple a foe without killing them. [b]What the f*** do you call this?[/b] may regurgitate many things rangingfrom animals to weapons, to usefull objects. [b]Mass Manipulation[/b] May take in any earth (reguardless of temperature or moisture) and add it to his body to gain mass. Growing spare limbs and other features takes time, dependant on how large he wants to make them. Something such as a short tenticle, or spare arm take 1-2 turns. Growing his wings takes 3. Growing extra heads takes 5+. He can increase his mass by 2x a turn traditionally. However if the surrounding enviornment has mud for him to use as well, he can grow at triple his usual rate. [b]Non consistent form[/b] even though he looks human, jynxs's body dosnt always act like it. He grows extra limbs, spikes, tenticles, eyes, and more on a whim. He can also control himself as a giant mass of mud(if he gains enough mass) with no resemblance to a human body. [/hider] [hider=The terror beast Form] Size: the terror beast is locked in at 6'1 weighing 180lbs. Apearance: Jynxs gains muscle and height, as well as a 3rd eye on his forhead, wings on his back, and a few 1inch spikes on his knuckles, kneese, and elbows. Skin gains a greyish tone. Right arm is forced into a terror claw transformation. Physical bonuses: Speed and strength maxes triple. (Instead of lifting 5/9ths his weight, he can lift 15/9ths. His sprint becomes a 60mph max. ) Other atributes: Lessens the side effects of Terror art attacks, also scratches 1 turn off charge time for terror arts attacks. Leaving the transformation early is pretty much surrendering. [/hider] [hider=The summoning] [b]Basilisk Nyagna (a special snake)[/b] Charge time: 2 or 5 turns. Her size depends on charge time. Duration: 5 turns reguardless Size: (2 turn charge) 1Ft wide, 50 ft long. Weighs roughly 200lbs (5 turn) 1 mile long, 100ft wide Abilities: Scales resist magic. The larger form's scales also act as quarter inch thick steel plates to resist physical attacks. Venom is also acidic. Eye contact results in short term paralysis (as compared to complete petrification). Jynxs may ride the larger form. [b]Centaur Brutus (made of stone entirely)[/b] Charge: 4 Turns Duration: 10 turns (or until defeated) Size: 7'2 weighing 1100 lbs. Abilities: highly resistantyo magic but not immune. Capable of lifting 2.5x its body weight. Runs at 100mph. Weilds a 150lb stone axe. [b]swarm of "Mytes" (small insects bred to resist magic and devour flesh)[/b] Charge: 2+ turns (increases the size if the swarm based on charge time) Duration:Max of 3 turns Abilities:Hundreds of flesh eating insects who also like to nibble at energy. Getting the full brunt of a charged swarm will completely drain a target of energy. [b]Giant Flacon Myrates[/b] Charge: 2 turns Duration: 8 turns Size: 80Ft wingspan, weighs 300lbs. Abilities: its a big bird! Jynxs can stand on it to maintane mobility whilst charging other attacks. Its wings are equiped with lightweight blade to cut through whatever may try to stop it. [b]Fang the Dragon[/b] Charge: 3 turns Duration: 2 turns Size: Wtf!?! Its huge! (Burst from the earth. It is so large it cannot reveal itself completely. Abilities: Fire breath, and it can reach a hand through for "HULK SMASH!" May drag a target into its realm for eternal punishment (must grab first.) [b]Entity of Hate[/b] (can only be summoned whilst in terror beast form) Charge: 1 Turn Duration: however long the terror beast is active Size: 80 ft tall human, with no eyes, but badnages instead. Weighs 2500lbs, has 2 heads with 3 mouths on each, 4 arms, and wears way too much gold. Abilities: High power dark magic blast, Physical strength comparing to Hercules. (Easily lifts a megaton) breaths "Shadows" basically fire breath. Can work in conjunction with the caster to cast a "8 prong seal", which if successfull turns the target into stone, like the heart of the entity of hate. [b]Terror Clone[/b] Charge: 1 turn per clone Duration: 1 attack Size: equal to current mass Abilities: Just an extra body to use. Has same abilities as regular jynxs. Consumes half of his energy, most of which is returned after the clone dissapears. [/hider] [hider=misc] Specializes in 1x2 combat. May detonate anything he summons or throws on a whim. The power of the explosion is equivelant to a quarter stick of dynamite. His knife will "respawn" in his belt after detonating, or if its thrown and misses. Very Sexist (this is a weakness) [/hider] ---- This character has developed over the years, and though this sheet has plenty of relevant info, it is outdated. Jynxs I eventually decided to make into a godlike pc char.