[quote=ERode] I've been looking for a place to put my Accel World stuff in. A question though.How similar is this going to be to Accel World? Are there still things such as Enhanced Armaments and Incarnate System? And, seeing how the avatar is generated based off their personality...what color means what? [/quote] While Accel World did greatly inspire this RP, this is not necessarily an Accel World RP. Enhanced Armaments may play a role in the future, but it's unlikely if I will include somthing resembling the Incarnate System. Unless you are a Colored King, then color means nothing, and even then it only symbolizes your rank as King. Players don't have to name or base their characters off of colors, although Colored Kings must wear the attire of their color within Deep Ground. [quote=Lucius Cypher] I'm here and I"m reserving this spot for great justice.Though I do have some questions on Specing and play style as certain Classes. Specifically: A Class that has both high defense and high speed. Offensive capability... Neigh. Melee fighter. It's not to say that he can't do damage, but like the Assassin he relies on quick strikes and has versatility with his environment. Like a Brawler, he can take hits well and isn't really one for subtly and goes for whatever is most pragmatic, whether it be sneaking up on someone or crashing a vehicle into them.. May have one or two powerful move that isn't really that strong compared to other dedicated damage-dealers, but serves as the corner stone for him to set up/finish combos. I was thinking of a sort of long-range grapple attack, like Scorpion's harpoon. Allows him to bring light opponents/objects to him, or pull himself towards heavier opponents/objects. Another one is a mobility move which really emphasis his speed and durability. [/quote] Seeing as I have limited time right now, I'll either answer this fully later or Empire will do it. Your player avatar must be humanoid in appearance for your CS. [quote=Spoo] I'm interested in this, if you have positions still available :3I'll work on a CS in the meantime. [/quote] If you're eyeing a Colored King role, it's first come first serve. Otherwise, all are free to join up. Edit: Added "Avatar Guild" to the CS. Apologies for that people.