[hider=Tira's Cs] [center][b]Name[/b][/center] [center]Tira Mild [/center] [center][b]Age[/b][/center] [center]17 [/center] [center][b]Gender[/b][/center] [center]Female [/center] [center][b]Personality[/b][/center] Tirah (Tē Ruh) is friendly, and helpfull, but refuses help usually. Even when failure is inevitable, she WILL NOT back down until she is successfull, and because of this, often over exerts herself. Not that it takes mch, since she fatigues easily, and isnt as mentally strong as she would like to think. She always seems to have something to prove, primarily that she could take care of herself. Her motto for life is "Im a big girl now, and i can take care of myself if i darn well please!" One good thing is, you never have to wounder if she is tryig her hardest, because for her, if it dosnt take 100% effort, and than some, its not worth doing. She seems fragile overall, and not very stable mentally. That wont stop her though, because there is a fire in her eyes, that he lets burn, and a scream in her voice, that she demands to be heard. [center][b]Picture[/b][/center] (Ill have to post a picture later, because i need to draw it. Im no artist, but i hand sketch all my characters pictures.) Tirah stands at 5'2 1/2 and weighs in at just under 100 lbs. She has green eyes, and light brown hair, that is always neatly combed and kempt, and cut to exactly shoulder length. She often will put her hair up on a bun, with a single lock of hair hanging from her bangs. She wears light makeup, when she gets the privilege of applying it, and tries to not go crazy with it. She is pale, and EXTREMELY thin. A cheeseburger and sunlight couldnt hurt her right? She wears lots of reds, as the base for almost every outfit, accompanied by black, gold, or white. Her favorite outfit consist of a light red and white lace jacket, with only one long sleeve, a black undershiry that cuts off above her belly button, red shorts with white trim, and white sandas that criss cross up her ankle. She also often wears very light, red fingerless gloves, to protect her sensitive hands from unnecissary friction. [center][b]Room[/b][/center] She is a big girl and would like room 8 to herself to prove she dosnt need a roomate to take care of her. [center][b]Bio[/b][/center] Tirah's story of trying to prove herself begins from birth. She was born prematurely to a smoking mother, without functioning lungs, and a struggling heart. She came out fighting, and survived her first near death experience. In school, her doctor requested her to sit down during recess, and not partake in pe. She of coarse didnt listen, and broke her frail arms (yes both of them) by the end of the first grade, trying to play with other children. Since she couldnt be as active as most children, he teachers encouraged her to mind her studies, and enjoy books. She was reading the inferno, the raven, and similar works before she left the 2nd grade, proving to herself and her teachers that she was capable of intellect. Getting into the honora program was a difficult task, but she succeded. By 6th grade, she found herself subject to cruel treatment from other students. She developed a comdition that caused her to bleed and bruise easily, and students liked to poke at her and watch her pale skin change colors. Due to stress, and her heart conditions, she had had her forst heart attack before middle school. Highschool wasnt much better. She suffered in an abusive relationship for some time, and only broke up with the male to prove to everybody else that she didnt need him. She spent most noghts crying herself to sleep while clinging to the family mastif, who died her junior year. During her countless sleepless nights, she would sit in the back yard by her beloved pets grave, pushin the soft dirt back and forth. By observing the moles in her back yard, she learned to control the earth, a power that supported her urge to support herself, which in the end gave her new hope in life. Well, some smart alec had pointed out "Dont you need your parents?" When she said she take care of herself. So she applied to a school for magicians like herself, eager to prove herself some more. She had a hard enough time getting her suitcase in the taxi though! Her last words before getting in the car to take her to this strange new place: "Just watch! I can do this BY MY SELF!" And then she slammed the car door and demanded the driver take her away from the sneering and snickering faces behind her. A purely mortified look crossed her face when realized she had left her picture of her dog, and her favorite books behind. Another heart attack struck the poor girl, and the taxi driver rushed her to the hospital, rather than the academy, hence why she is a little late. She fully intends to not just catch up, but accelerate ahead of her fellow students. [center][b]Magic[/b][/center] [center]Earth, as contradictory as it may seem to her frailty, it matches her iron will.[/center] [/hider] This character is probably the frailest character ive ever made, and I look forward to using them.