Hey man, if you want to be in charge then by all means, do it. I only offered because I thought it would die otherwise. You're the one who has all the information about the lore, setting, and plot so it would probably be best if you made the OC anyway. Otherwise I'd have to just guess and write all that shit up on my own, and that sounds like a bunch of work, yo. You're welcome to use my CS template if you want. It's pretty good. I'd give it a 9.5/10. What I would suggest is that you at least try to GM at first and if your IRL obligations make it too difficult to keep up, I can take over. I'm totally willing to support you as co-GM but this is your story first and foremost so I think it's best that you're in charge. Having me lead with you just taking over when you're available wouldn't really be practical, because then we'd have a bunch of sporadic changes in leadership (which would be no bueno in the interest of continuity). Try not to be intimidated by the workload just because it's your first time; with the right group of players your job is much, much easier, ESPECIALLY in these character driven, open-world RPs.