[center][b]TOBIAS[/b][/center] "no need to be embaressed, and i know you can walk but this way is better dont you think? you can save your strength and just let me carry you" smiling "you take a small break Ravenia" heading toward the gate, seeing Jacob getting his coat and gloves, then when he said he'd be around to get checked out. "sounds like a plan, i'll send word to the Reactor when its clear or i'll just come to you" looking to Anora and Ramera, before he felt a head rest against him, and he turned to look down at Ravenia, seeing her actually take a moment to relax and rest, her eyes closed. he couldnt stop the smile that came to him. Arriving to the gate, and hearing Ravenia call out to open them up, and then the groaning and grinding of the old motor engaging and not moving near as fast they could with Marcus working them they did open. Tobias headed right for the Medical Center, seeing Jacob slink off, keeping out of sight to most as he made his way to his Haven, Tobias would go check on him later and make sure he was alright. feeling the light, soft touch of her fingers to the side of his face, and then lips pressed to his neck, send his heart to beating faster as he smiled, and without thinking he held her a little tighter to him as he nodded. "your welcome, and dont worry, i'll take good care of you" and he would that. entering the medical center, he could see it was all kinda Chaos, his nurses running around. "im going to need a shot of Red" he coded all medications they had, found or made in house. "a full syringe" carrying Ravenia straight to the back, he kicked open the make shift radiation shower, the water for this was from a lone system that came from a back tank behind the building, and it flushed right into the already radiated Mississippi river. stepping inside with her, he closed the door, before sitting her on her feet and he hit the switch with his elbow. "prepare" he said.. a Red Light flashed, and then torrental flood of ice cold water poured on both of them.. a nurse appeared outside the shower. "get two sets of clothes, two clean towels" Tobias said, taking the shot from her, then she hurried to do that. "alright" he said, the ice water was mixed with a type of soap. he disengaged the water for the moment, and taking her arm. "a small stick" pressing the needle in, he then depressed the fluid in, before taking it out. "done" rubbing his thumb over the place. "okay, two more minutes under the water, scrub and strip out of the clothes, when your done come out and we'll take care of the burns" wiping the wet hair off her face, before he would give her some privacy, leaving the shower, dripping wet he pulled the curtain around it so no one could see in. Taking the towel for him he dried off, and took the clothes, before seeing a nurse bring in something, but when he saw it, and he would catch Omar's gaze he held it up, smiling. Tobias said, speaking the boy's language, he was learning it the more and more he hear it spoken, give him a full day doing nothing but listening and he'd master the language. "okay, what is going on?" he asked, seeing Clo still resting, but having noticed Shay was gone, as were the ones he asked to keep an eye on the children, and that.. he didnt like, not that he would say something right now about it. he went and changed real quick, throwing away the ruined pants he had been wearing.. when he came back out, still barefooted, he wore another fresh pair of Khakis and a white and black t-shirt that hugged his form nicely. when the nurse brought a tray of bandages, he set the container Omar brought on it, taking it to a room for when Ravenia came back out.. some clothes for her to wear were folded, waiting for her, as was her towel right outside the shower. hearing the Russian had woke, which was a good thing. "good, if he's in pain use 2 cc of Navy into the IV to help ease him up, but no heavy movements, he could tear every stitch" he told her, before she left, not before she told him a bottle of medicine that had been sitting on a tray was missing.. the pre bottled stuff was rare, and their supplies were not infinite, so if one was gone it was noted.. he'd be looking into that. he stood and waited for Ravenia so he could bandaged up her side and arm from the burn, usually he'd dilute the Stuff Isam brought but for this he was going to use it as a type of rub, put right over the burns, and for that he needed it undiluted. "someone get my Prep Kit ready as well" he called out. "im going to head to the Reactor once i get everyone settled here" he didnt want Jacob to be Suffering any. [center][b]MICHAEL[/b][/center] Michael was being lead through the city, his Command Post was found out apparently, one of his friends had told his mother and she told his aunt.. he was now currently getting the "dont know what im going to do with you, you steal from people, you try to get yourself killed" lecture as he held the box of his "found" things, all his weapons. they were going door to door, and she was making him pubically apologize and give back what he had taken. "im sorry for taking your things, it will not happen again, i have been punished for it" he said over and over again, and he had been punished for sure, his ass still was stinging from the belt he'd got taken to him. the most degrading part was coming up to the wall itself, Michael could see there had been a fight, he could see outside the gate, before it grinded closed. his aunt. "hello!" calling up to Anora and Ramera. "could i spare a moment of your precious time please" she called up. his aunt was a baker and maker, she made the finest Sweets in Paradise land. "please, my Nephew here has taken some things that belong to you, and he is going to give them back" she said, looking down at him, and nudging him. "yes" Michael said. "i've taken your things that i had no right to take, i am sorry and i have had my behind blistered something awful for it, please" some of their throwing knives, and a few metal feathers, even some of the more shaper rocks that had been made into knives were in his box of tricks.. right next to a couple weapons that were no doubt from Marcus's shed and even some parts from the Reactor that the annoying man that ran it had been searching for. [center][b]NICOLAS[/b][/center] He was completely naked, how he came to be that way, who the hell knew. his body was on fire and burning up as he laid on his back. the fever had set in from the bite to his leg, and while it looked bad, whatever he had squirted on it had made sure it wasnt getting infected. "row row row this boat, bumbling down the stream.." he laughed, and rolled over onto his stomach and military crawled across to his runner, pulling himself up. "where are you? you thieving bastard!!" he yelled out, looking around. "i know you took the last of my Jerky, you know what i had to do to get that? i was saving it, and you ate it!" pulling himself up, his vison swimming as he spun around. "you cant hide from me, i know you better then you know yourself" running into the wheel house, there sitting behind the wheel, was his bobblehead and his wrap of jerky. "AH HA!!" pointing. "caught you, you no account bastard, taking my damn food" the motioning of the barge making the sideways head bobble. "oh i know you took it, admitting it now isnt going to do anything for you, your not the one suffering, i need to keep myself fed and watered til i can reach Paradise" taking his jerky, he fell back into the old worn chair and began eating hungrly, watching the bobblehead as if it might try to take a piece. "no, im not sharing with you, you shouldnt have ate yours so fast, you know what a find it was getting this was? those raiders, who had to kill them?" he asked, licking his fingers. "me, thats right and who found this in their supplies?" nodding right back to the bobble head. "thats right me, i split it with you and you ate yours all at once, so to hell with you" wrapping up the last piece, he walked out, stumbling toward the runner, he stuffed his last piece into his pack in the back. "hide it this time, he wont find it" he mumbled, wiping his head. "oh i dont feel good" taking out a jug of fresh water, he unlashed it from the side, then opening he turned it up and guzzled down mouthfuls.. he knew he was suffering from the madness that came with being clawed and bitten by one of the dead, he'd seen it.. high fever, disorientation, he knew the signs and it was going to get worse before it got better, if it got better.. most people dont make it. "im so HOT" he yelled, pouring the water over him as he yelled, tossing the jug off the side, where it thunked on the bank of the river right before he laughed. "oh good night" and he swirled around, collapsing right onto the deck of the barge, right by his Runner's back tire.